CS 1110 Introduction to Computing using Java    Spring 2011  
9066 TR 09:05 Hollister B14 Instructors: David Gries  
9067 TR 11:15 Hollister B14 Grade: letter or S/U.   Credits: 4

Review for final

The table below gives the times of review sessions along with the person leading the review session and the topic. We will try to make the review session interactive. At least part of the time, you (the student) will write answers to problems and then the correct answers will be shown and discussed.

All review sessions are in Phillips 101--but check this website for changes on the morning of the review sessions.

Each review session covers a particular topic. It is up to you to decide which to attend. Of course, if there is time left and no more questions on the given topic, you can ask anything you want.

Each session will attempt to discuss specific errors that students make.

Mon, May 09 1:00PM Ternquist   no slides Subclasses and abstract classes, including constructors
Mon, May 09 2:00PM Park   pdf   ppt Casting, apparent and real classes; Executing sequences of statements that involve creating/using new objects
Mon, May 09 3:00PM Park/Mamouras pdf   ppt Drawing frames for call, executing method calls
Tue, May 10 1:00PM Bapat   pdf   ppt Exception handling, GUIs
Tue, May 10 2:00PM Mamouras   pdf   ppt Developing loops from invariants
Wed, May 11 1:00PM Lloyd  pdf   pptx
Wed, May 11 2:00PM Gries Developing the required algorithms
Wed, May 11 3:00PM Gries Arrays, vectors, strings, wrapper classes