Spring 2001 CS100M Solutions to Exercise E9 1. if you have trouble reading and posting to newsgroups, ask CIT for help. 2. f: bounded, by N=0: $length(x) <= 0$ g: unbounded: given an $N$, set $y=N+1$: $length(x)=y>N$ h: bounded, by N=20: $length(x) <= 20$. tally of responses: --> 94 f: bounded 65 f: unbounded 80 g: bounded --> 79 g: unbounded --> 86 h: bounded 73 h: unbounded f g h - - - 39 b u b 0 errors 5 U u b \ 5 b B b > 1 error 33 b u U / 17 b B U \ 2 U u U > 2 errors 37 U B b / 21 U B U 3 errors