3/15 lecture feedback results 1 1KnowT2-format: 1 1KnowT2-format: 1) very bad 17 1KnowT2-format: 3) ok 27 1KnowT2-format: 4) good 9 1KnowT2-format: 5) very good 1 1LecT2-format: 1 1LecT2-format: 0) don't remember seeing it 18 1LecT2-format: 3) ok 23 1LecT2-format: 4) good 12 1LecT2-format: 5) very good 1 2KnowR2.3-tracing-solution: 1) very bad 1 2KnowR2.3-tracing-solution: 2) bad 15 2KnowR2.3-tracing-solution: 3) ok 26 2KnowR2.3-tracing-solution: 4) good 12 2KnowR2.3-tracing-solution: 5) very good 1 2LecR2.3-tracing-solution: 2) bad 19 2LecR2.3-tracing-solution: 3) ok 24 2LecR2.3-tracing-solution: 4) good 11 2LecR2.3-tracing-solution: 5) very good 3 3KnowE11-loop-solution: 1) very bad 4 3KnowE11-loop-solution: 2) bad 26 3KnowE11-loop-solution: 3) ok 18 3KnowE11-loop-solution: 4) good 4 3KnowE11-loop-solution: 5) very good 1 3LecE11-loop-solution: 0) don't remember seeing it 1 3LecE11-loop-solution: 1) very bad 3 3LecE11-loop-solution: 2) bad 23 3LecE11-loop-solution: 3) ok 23 3LecE11-loop-solution: 4) good 4 3LecE11-loop-solution: 5) very good 3 4KnowE11-logical-solution: 1) very bad 10 4KnowE11-logical-solution: 2) bad 23 4KnowE11-logical-solution: 3) ok 16 4KnowE11-logical-solution: 4) good 3 4KnowE11-logical-solution: 5) very good 1 4LecE11-logical-solution: 0) don't remember seeing it 2 4LecE11-logical-solution: 1) very bad 4 4LecE11-logical-solution: 2) bad 25 4LecE11-logical-solution: 3) ok 18 4LecE11-logical-solution: 4) good 5 4LecE11-logical-solution: 5) very good 1 6LecOverall: 2) bad 25 6LecOverall: 3) ok 25 6LecOverall: 4) good 4 6LecOverall: 5) very good 3 6LecPace: 2) too slow 48 6LecPace: 3) ok 3 6LecPace: 4) too fast 1 6LecPace: 5) way too fast ---- q> I think we could have spent a bit more time on the exercise q> explanation. Maybe we can spend a some time on it to review after q> break. ---- q> Today's lecture was very clear, I feel I am really starting to be q> comfortable with Matlab. ---- q> too difficult ---- q> The lecture today was especially helpful, esp. in going over the q> tracing problem and E11. I only wished that you would have told us q> the format for T2 earlier rather than the day of. That would have q> given us a better idea of what is on the prelim. ---- q> This was an excellent lecture. I really appreciated going through the q> format of the test, as well as the tracing problem. I also thought q> it was interesting how E11 could be solved using logical arrays. q> It made me realize how inefficient my code was. I think I finally q> realize the benefit of cutting out loops when you can. :) but be careful: the fancy code i showed was more *concise*, but not necessarily more efficient. also, cutting out loops can result in unreadable code, e.g. i still don't feel really comfortable with this solution for the maximum segment sum of vector $s$: S = [0 cumsum(s)]; ans = max(S - cummin(S)); ---- q> today's lecture should have had more review information!!!! ---- q> perhaps next time you could give the exam info on the tuesday of the q> week instead of waiting until the actual day of the exam to discuss it ---- q> lecture was good today.. well organized and very informative ---- q> We seemed to spend a while on just tracing. I think pretty much q> everyone understands this. i hope so, but it it is important, and will be even more important once we shift to java. ---- q> The pace was a bit slow, but all in all one of the better lectures. ---- q> more time reviewing ---- q> Today's lecture was very helpful. ---- q> This lecture was very helpful and useful, even though there wasn't q> a plethera of new material covered. ---- q> I am still uncertain how to actually use the logical arrays to do a q> specific question such as E11. ---- q> The class started out as a review for Prelim 2, but quickly became a q> lecture on new material. The class wasn't very enthusiastic because q> we were all focusing on the prelim. ---- q> I liked the logical arrays part... ---- q> I'd like to go over the E11 logical array aspect again, since we went q> over it rather quickly. ---- q> The pace of this lecture was perfect. ----