2/27 lecture feedback about 65 responses 2 points awarded for asking questions in lecture 1 1KnowBox-Scope-for-functions: 2 1KnowBox-Scope-for-functions: 1) very bad 8 1KnowBox-Scope-for-functions: 2) bad 26 1KnowBox-Scope-for-functions: 3) ok 24 1KnowBox-Scope-for-functions: 4) good 5 1KnowBox-Scope-for-functions: 5) very good 1 1LecBox-Scope-for-functions: 1 1LecBox-Scope-for-functions: 2) bad 30 1LecBox-Scope-for-functions: 3) ok 27 1LecBox-Scope-for-functions: 4) good 7 1LecBox-Scope-for-functions: 5) very good 1 2KnowTracing-f-g: 1 2KnowTracing-f-g: 1) very bad 10 2KnowTracing-f-g: 2) bad 22 2KnowTracing-f-g: 3) ok 26 2KnowTracing-f-g: 4) good 6 2KnowTracing-f-g: 5) very good 1 2LecTracing-f-g: 3 2LecTracing-f-g: 2) bad 28 2LecTracing-f-g: 3) ok 27 2LecTracing-f-g: 4) good 7 2LecTracing-f-g: 5) very good 2 3KnowTracing-fib: 2 3KnowTracing-fib: 1) very bad 10 3KnowTracing-fib: 2) bad 25 3KnowTracing-fib: 3) ok 22 3KnowTracing-fib: 4) good 5 3KnowTracing-fib: 5) very good 1 3LecTracing-fib: 1 3LecTracing-fib: 0) don't remember seeing it 2 3LecTracing-fib: 1) very bad 2 3LecTracing-fib: 2) bad 33 3LecTracing-fib: 3) ok 20 3LecTracing-fib: 4) good 7 3LecTracing-fib: 5) very good 1 5LecOverall: 2 5LecOverall: 2) bad 38 5LecOverall: 3) ok 21 5LecOverall: 4) good 4 5LecOverall: 5) very good 1 5LecPace: 5 5LecPace: 2) too slow 54 5LecPace: 3) ok 5 5LecPace: 4) too fast 1 5LecPace: 5) way too fast q> I feel that doing these kind of examples helps me learn the material q> a lot better. Keep it up. ---- q> Good pace today! ---- q> a little better paced but the stuff still seems confusingly presented. ---- q> Very good lecture! ---- q> a very good lecture. maybe more material could have been fitted q> into it... ---- q> Lecture seems to be getting better; the pace is slower and things q> are explained more fully. Please keep it this way!!!! ---- q> I think you should go into more about how to write a function, rather q> than explaining it a million ways with analogies and elemtary examples. q> If only the problems on the projects were that easy! ---- q> The concept is a little tricky and I think that we would all benefit q> from a small review of this topic, perhaps at the review session q> on Sunday. I think that overall the lecture was helpful and lucid. ? the catch-up review session was the previous sunday. ---- q> The lecture was very good but if it were incorporated into a computer q> demo, that would be more helpful in understanding the material. ---- q> I like the fact that you did many examples in class instead of just q> giving us rules and facts...you should do that more often. ---- q> I liked the pace of this lecture. It was very clear and easy to keep q> up with. ---- q> I thought the tracing was a little slow today, but I realize that it q> is important. ---- q> the lecture went well but I lost you when you were tracing the box q> scope diagram. ---- q> I thought that the combination of a scaled down version of your q> previous analogy with an actual tracing of Matlab code greatly helped q> my understanding of the process that functions go through ---- q> The examples really helped to explain what you were teaching. ---- q> This lecture helped me better learn the material that was covered on q> Thrusday. I really feel much more comfortable with the material now. ---- q> The example with fib was confusing. I do not get how the x variable q> was gotten in each new fib scope i'll try to post an animation showing how fib works. ---- q> The lectures seem to be getting a lot better. ---- q> it's too fast and too difficult... ---- q> It would have been more helpful to explain what fib.m actually was (ie, q> the Fibonacci Sequence) and do an example less trivial than fib(2)=1. q> But other than that, good. ---- q> The box scope diagram model for functions is a bit confusing and not q> very useful for writing programs. Explaining how functions work and q> the pass by value scheme in words and in short would have been better. different people understand things differently. if "pass by value" makes things clear for you, then great (seriously)! but i think for most people, the pictures with activation records is a concrete and hence helpful way to visualize what the computer is doing. ---- q> I guess my understanding of the material was OK, but I still have no q> idea about how to do the exercise, more specifically why 6 diagrams q> are required! ---- q> i think i needed to see more examples of these - I feel as though I q> only have one example of the tracing - am a little unsure of how to q> do it is a more general way ---- q> The examples were gone over too fast. Once again, I seemed to get q> lost in lecture. ---- q> now i see how important running the code from the lecture is on my own yay! ---- q> I understand the example given in lecture, however I am afraid that q> some of the examples we will have to do on our own will be much more q> complicated. I do not think I understand the boxscope idea enough q> from that one example. ---- q> Nothing to say, really. generally ok lecture. ---- q> The analogy used for the functions I think only makes the concept q> that much more confusing. I understand what's going on but had to q> forget the analogy or else I would just be more confused. I think q> you should just say what's going on inside the computer and not with q> talking about students and all that stuff. i don't know of any way that is simpler than box scope diagrams to explain what happens inside the computer. if you have a way that you prefer, please let me/us know -- others might also find it helpful.