2/06 lecture evaluation and replies to comments about 42 responses 6 bonus points awarded for asking questions in lecture 1 1KnowExercise-3: 1) very bad 1 1KnowExercise-3: 2) bad 8 1KnowExercise-3: 3) ok 21 1KnowExercise-3: 4) good 11 1KnowExercise-3: 5) very good 1 1LecExercise-3: 1) very bad 1 1LecExercise-3: 2) bad 13 1LecExercise-3: 3) ok 21 1LecExercise-3: 4) good 6 1LecExercise-3: 5) very good 7 2KnowPascalsTriangle: 2) bad 14 2KnowPascalsTriangle: 3) ok 15 2KnowPascalsTriangle: 4) good 6 2KnowPascalsTriangle: 5) very good 1 2LecPascalsTriangle: 2) bad 18 2LecPascalsTriangle: 3) ok 16 2LecPascalsTriangle: 4) good 7 2LecPascalsTriangle: 5) very good 1 3KnowSubarrays-Indexing: 3 3KnowSubarrays-Indexing: 1) very bad 4 3KnowSubarrays-Indexing: 2) bad 16 3KnowSubarrays-Indexing: 3) ok 11 3KnowSubarrays-Indexing: 4) good 7 3KnowSubarrays-Indexing: 5) very good 3 3LecSubarrays-Indexing: 0) don't remember seeing it 1 3LecSubarrays-Indexing: 1) very bad 4 3LecSubarrays-Indexing: 2) bad 14 3LecSubarrays-Indexing: 3) ok 15 3LecSubarrays-Indexing: 4) good 5 3LecSubarrays-Indexing: 5) very good 4 5LecOverall: 2) bad 18 5LecOverall: 3) ok 18 5LecOverall: 4) good 2 5LecOverall: 5) very good 2 5LecPace: 2) generally too slow 31 5LecPace: 3) generally ok 8 5LecPace: 4) generally too fast 1 5LecPace: 5) generally way too fast q> It would have been helpful if the function $fliplr$ had been more q> explicitly mentioned before E3 was due. remember to check the newsgroup regularly. ---- q> Decent lecture today, especially on explaining exercise 3. The q> only thing that most people around me agreed upon was the fact that q> you never covered that flipleftright function that was crucial to q> the exercise's first part. I looked for itfor hours to no avail, q> couldn't find it in the book. Perhaps if you don't plan to q> thoroughly cover the material that you'll want us to use in q> exercises and projects, at least suggest where we can find out q> about the material so we don't search aimlessly for days on end. q> It is pretty frusterating from a post of mine to the newsgroup: tky> for question 1, first play around in matlab with $sort$ and the other tky> functions listed in the 2/01 lecture sketch. try numbers in various tky> sorted and unsorted orders to get acquainted with the functions. once tky> you understand what the functions do, step away from the computer. from the 2/01 lecture sketch: lecture> functions and operations lecture> + transposition: $'$, i.e. switch between vertical and horizontal lecture> + $sort$, $fliplr$, $flipud$ lecture> + accumulation: $min$, $max$, $sum$, $prod$, $cumsum$, $cumprod$ lecture> example: $cumsum([1 3 8])$ is [1 1+3 1+3+8], i.e. cumulative sums observe that the same place where $sort$ is mentioned, $fliplr$ is mentioned. ---- q> Today's lecture really showed me how valuable it is to give q> different perspectives on the same material. The first explanation q> of how to deal with pascal's triangle confused me, but the second q> method seemed completely logical. i'm glad you found the 2nd solution clear, but also make sure you understand the 1st solution. ---- q> Today's lecture was well-paced and quite interesting. ---- q> I feel like we are jumping around between some of the topics. I was q> confused by the first method for doing pascal's triangle. ---- q> I thought today's lecture was much better because you gave us q> problems, showed us the code, and clearly explained what the code q> does. The other lectures, it seems like code was just thrown at us q> with no connection to what it is actuctually does. I would have q> been totally lost without some previous experience. So, in general q> I think things are improving. ---- q> good pace, enjoyed the lecture ---- q> Only main point of concern relates to the correlation between q> lecture and projects. IS there any way in which the two can be q> better converged? please come talk to me. ---- q> Maybe lectures could go a bit slower and with more detail. ---- q> the class lectures, the sections, the projects, and the book do not q> coincide with one another. organize lectures better, or at least q> let us know your plan of progression for the class this semester. ---- q> Going to lectures is pointless...from the very beginning it was q> assumed everyone knows what is being talked about. Such incomplete q> and sketchy lectures should have no place at a place like Cornell. please come talk to me. ---- q> Everything is pretty good. I wish we were learning more commands q> but learning them in less depth and leaving the depth for the q> sectons. ---- q> The lecture today was very good. I felt that I understood q> everything in class, and I feel that I can finish the project q> now. I think that a better explanation of subarrays would be more q> helpful. For example, how would I add elements to a null subarray? q> Could I do this without having to move the index everytime? not sure what you mean: please e-mail/post and i'll try to answer. ---- q> I'm starting to feel much more comfortable with the topics covered q> in lecture. I think that this lecture in particular was very q> helpful in clearing up things I had been a little confused about. ---- q> We didn't have enough time to go over the project: I still feel in q> the dark, as if the project is one things that we haven't covered q> in class. And to think that we have a prelim on Tuesday... we q> haven't hardly done anything.