CS100J    Spring 2006   Assignment A2    
Due (submitted on the CMS) on Thursday, 16 February
Monitoring Rhinos

Endangered species

Website http://msnbc.msn.com/id/10877076/ says that, "the rhinoceros population has declined by 90 percent since 1970, with five species remaining in the world today, all of which are endangered. The white and black rhinos are the only species left in Africa... . " Lately, Kenya (with less than 500 rhinos left!) relocated 33 rhinos to Meru National Park, where they hope to protect them from poachers. Poachers kill the rhinos for their horns.

Rhinos are not the only endangered species. Web page http://www.redlist.org/ will tell you that the number of endangered vertebrates (mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fishes) grew from 3,314 in 1996/98 to 5,188 in 2004. Of the 22,733 evaluated species 23% were endangered. See http://www.worldwildlife.org/endangered for more info on endangered species.

When an animal population is small, the animals can be monitored. Sometimes they will be captured and tagged. Some tags emit a signal, so that one can track the animal. Even in populated places, animals are tagged. Here in Ithaca, one can see deer with tags on their ears wandering in the fields. Gries sees them often in his back yard near Community Corners. Some of the rhino pictures were downloaded from www.birdingafrica.net.

This assignment: monitoring rhinos

This assignment illustrates how Java's classes and objects can be used to maintain data about a collection of things —like individual rhinos in a park. Read the WHOLE handout before you begin to do the assignment. You may do this assignment with one other person. If you are going to work together, then, as soon as possible, get on the CMS for the course and do what is required to form a group.


For this assignment, you are required to design and implement two classes. Class Rhino is used by to keep track of rhinos. It has lots of fields and methods, but each method is simple. If you do one thing at a time, and start early, you should have little trouble with this assignment. Class RhinoTester, a JUnit class, is used to test class Rhino. Do not think too much about this class when first reading this handout. Wait until we tell you how to write such classes before starting.


If you don't know where to start, if you don't understand testing, if you are lost, SEE SOMEONE IMMEDIATELY. Gries, a TA, a consultant. Do not wait. Almost 100 of you have never programmed before, and it is reasonable to expect that you may not fully graps everything. But a little one-on-one help can do wonders.

Class Rhino

An instance of class Rhino represents a single rhino. It has several fields that one might use to describe a rhino, as well as methods that operate on these fields. Here are the fields, all of which should be private (you can choose the names of these fields).

Here are some details about these fields:

Accompanying the declarations of these fields should be comments that describe what each field means —what it contains. For example, on the declaration of field tag, one should put that the field is –1 if the rhino is untagged and the tag number itself (≥ 0) if the rhino is tagged. The collection of these fields is called the "class invariant".

Whenever you write a method (see below), look through the class invariant and convince yourself that the class invariant is correct when the method ends, for all objects of class Rhino. For example, if the method does something to the mother field of the object, are all the mother-object fields correct?

Rhino Methods

Class Rhino has the following methods. Pay close attention to the parameters and return values of each method. The descriptions, while informal, are complete.

Constructor Description

Rhino(String name, boolean female, int month, int year)

Constructor: a new Rhino. Parameters are, in order, the name of the rhino, its gender, and the month and year of birth. The new rhino is not tagged, and its parents are not known.

Rhino(String name, boolean gender, Rhino father, Rhino mother, int month, int year)

Constructor: a new Rhino. Parameters are, in order, the name of the rhino, its gender, its father and mother, and the month and year of birth. Precondition: father and mother are not null.

Method Description


= the name of this rhino (a String)


= the gender of this rhino (a boolean).


= the month in which this rhino was born, in the range 1..12 (an int).


= the year in which this rhino was born (an int).


= (the name of the object representing) the father of this rhino (a Rhino).


= (the name of the object representing) the mother of this rhino (a Rhino).


= the number of children of this rhino (an int).


= this rhino's tag (–1 if none) (an int)


Static method. = the number of Rhino objects created thus far (an int).


= a String representation of this Rhino. It has to be in a precise format discussed below.

Method Description

setName(String n)

Set the name of this rhino to n.

setGender(boolean g)

Set the gender of the rhino to g.

setMOB(int i)

Set the month of birth for this rhino to i.

setYOB(int i)

Set the year of birth for this rhino to i.

setTag(int t)

Set whether this rhino's tag to t. Precondition: t ≥ 0 and the tag is currently –1.

setFather(Rhino r)

Set this rhino's father to r (and increment r's number of children).
Precondition: This rhino's father is null, r is not null, and r is male.

setMother(Rhino r)

Set this rhino's mother to r (and increment r's number of children).
Precondition: This rhino's mother is null, r is not null, and r is female.

isOlder(Rhino r)

= "this rhino is older than r " (a boolean). Precondition: r is not null.

areSameAge(Rhino r1, Rhino r2)

Static function. = "r1 and r2 are not null and are the same age —i.e. have the same birth date " (a boolean).

isBrother(Rhino r)

= "r is this rhino's brother" (a boolean). Note: rhino A is called the brother of rhino B if the two are different, if A is male, and if they have at least one parent in common. Precondition: r is not null.

isSister(Rhino r)

= "r is this rhino's sister " (a boolean). Note: rhino A is called the sister of rhino B if the two are different, if A is female, and if they have at least one parent in common. Precondition: r is not null.

areSiblings(Rhino r1, Rhino r2)

Static method. = "r1 and r2 are not null and r1 and r2 are siblings (brothers or sisters)" (a boolean).

isMotherOf(Rhino r)

= "this rhino is r's mother" (a boolean). Precondition: r is not null.

isFatherOf(Rhino r)

= "this rhino is r's father" (a boolean). Precondition: r is not null.

isParentOf(Rhino r)

= "this rhino is r's parent" (a boolean). Precondition: r is not null.

areTwins(Rhino r1, Rhino r2)

Static method. = "r1 and r2 are not null and r1 and r2 are siblings and have the same birth date" (a boolean).



Make sure that the names of your methods match those listed above exactly, including capitalization. The number of parameters and their order must also match. The best way to ensure this is to copy and paste. Our testing will expect those method name and parameters, so any mismatch will fail during our testing. Parameter names will not be tested —you can change the parameter names if you want.

Each method must be preceded by an appropriate specification, as a Javadoc comment. The best way to ensure this is to copy and paste. After you have pasted, be sure to do any necessary editing. For example, the spec does not have to say that a function is static, because that is known from the header of the method. And the spec of a function does not have to say that the function yields a boolean or int or anything else, because that is known from the header of the method.

A precondition should not be tested by the method; it is the responsibility of the caller to ensure that the precondition is met. As an example, in method isMotherOf, the method body should not test whether fm is null. However, in function areSiblings, the tests for fm1 and fm2 not null MUST be made.

The number of children of a newly created rhino is 0. Whenever a rhino R is made the mother or father of another rhino, R's number of children should increase by 1.

It is possible for person R1 to be R2's mother, and visa versa, at the same time. We do not check for such strange occurrences.

Function toString
Here is an example of output from function toString:

"Male rhino Fatso. Tag 34. Born 6/2005. Has 2 children. Father Weighty. Mother unknown."

Here are some points about this output.

  1. Exactly one blank separates each piece of information, and the periods are necessary.
  2. "Male" or "Female" has to be capitalized.
  3. If the mother field or father field is null, use "unknown" for its name; otherwise, use the name that appears in the mother or father.
  4. In your method body, you may not use an if statement, but you can use a conditional expression —look it up in the index of the CD ProgramLive.

Your method bodies should have no if statements. Your method bodies should contain only assignments and return statements. Points will be deducted if if statements are used. Further, conditional expressions may be used only in function toString.

Class RhinoTester

How do you know whether class Rhino that you are designing is correct? The only way to be sure is to test it, to see if it does what it is supposed to do. It is not enough simply to try out your class Rhino in the interactions pane. Every time you write a method for your class Rhino, you should also write a couple of tests for it. Further, you should run your collection of tests frequently to make sure that everything works correctly.

Class RhinoTester will contain your JUnit test suite; it will perform these testing tasks for you. Make sure that your test suite adheres to the following principles:

If a test changes static variables, they will retain their values in later tests. Also, the tests are not necessarily run in the order in which you list them in your test suite. So when testing static variables, record their initial value at the beginning of the test and test that the change in the value is what you expect.

How to do this assignment

We suggest that you proceed as follows.

At each step, make sure all methods are correct before proceeding to the next step. When adding a new method, cut and paste the comment and the header from the assignment handout and then edit the comment.

Other hints and directions

Submitting the assignment

Check these points before you submit your assignment

Submit only files that end with the .java. Be careful about this, because in the same place as your .java files you may also have files that end with .class or .java~. but otherwise have the same name.