CS100J Spring 2005. Summary of lectures

Lecture 28. May 05 (Thursday). xxx. Conclusion

Lab 14. May 03. xxx. Work on assignment A7.

Lecture 27. May 03 (Tuesday). xxx. Applications. We look at java applications and applets and show how to create a jar file. Powerpoint.ppt    Powerpoint.pdf


Lecture 26. Apr 28 (Thursday). xxx. Matlab. We discussed Matlab functions. A large part of the lecture was devoted to showing how to calculate with arrays. For this purpose, we showed three different ways of approximating pi: by throwing darts, by Wallis's formula, and by Euler's formula. Powerpoint.ppt   Powerpoint.pdf
The links are to .m files that contain functions: Binary search    darts   Euler approx   statistics

Lab 13. Apr 16. xxx. This lab was devoted to doing assignment A7 (Matlab).

Lecture 25. Apr 26 (Tuesday). We discussed Matlab scripts. We showed how to write a function to do a binary search.
powerpoint.ppt    powerpoint.pdf     example of script   


Lecture 24. Apr 21 (Thursday). Matlab. Class canceled

Lab 12. Apr 19. Matlab. In this lab, you will begin using Matlab.  rtf file    pdf file

Lecture 23. Apr 19 (Tuesday). Matlab. We showed how to use the command window in Matlab and showed demoed the creation of arrays.
handout.html    handout.pdf


Lecture 22. Apr 14 (Thursday). xxx. Exceptions. We discussed exception handling, which is the topic of chapter 10 of the text. The material won't be tested, but we hope you will scan the chapter and come away with the basic idea behind throwing and catching exceptions. powerpoint    pdf file   Demo.java  Keyboard.java

Lab 11. Apr 12. xxx. This pencil-and-paper lab deals with developing array algorithms that use loops.    doc file    pdf file

Lecture 21. Apr 12 (Tuesday). Array algorithms. We develop more array algorithms, including the partition algorithm and two sorting algorithms. There is a quiz on Thursday, 14 April. You have to be able to develop several algorithms. See these slides:   pdf file


Lecture 20. Apr 07 (Thursday). Array algorithms. We developed linear search, finding the min, binary search, and the dutch national flag algorithms. You are expected to be able to develop these algorithms for prelim 3, as presented in this class, the text, or the ProgramLive CD. There are no lecture notes; we used the blackboard.

Lab 10. Apr 05. Formatting in locales. A locale is a country together with a language. E.g. Canada-English and Canada-French. Different locales write numbers and currencies and percentages in different ways. We explore this issue in this lab.   html file    pdf file    JLiveWindow.java    MyJLiveWindow.java

Lecture 19. Apr 05 (Tuesday). GUIs. We show you how to create a Graphical User Interface, or GUI. You won't be tested on this material, but those who pursue this further will find the topic interesting and fun. If you decide to create your own GUI for something, it is easier to start with an existing one and modify it. The best way to learn more about GUIs is to listen to Chapter 17 on the ProgramLive CD!! And look at the examples there.
ppt file    pdf file     ComponentExample.java     MazeGUI.java    ButtonDemo1.java     AllCaps.java


Lecture 18. Mar 31 (Thursday). Two-dimensional arrays.

Lab 09. Mar 29. Reading files. We show you how to read a file. This material is covered well in Sec. 5.9 of the text, and the ProgramLive CD lectures on it are even better. html   pdf    Lab09.java   test.txt  

Lecture 17. Mar 29 (Tuesday). More on arrays. We talk a bit about the next assignments A5 and A6. We develop a few array algorithms. We talk about maintaining a table of values in an array. powerpoint   pdf    File Demo.java (contains the methods we wrote in class.)


Lecture 16. Mar 17 (Thursday). Arrays. We discuss out last Java feature, the array. Like the Vector and the String, an array can contain a list of elements, which are numbered 0, 2, 3, ... powerpoint    pdf

Lab 08. Mar 15. Abstract classes and methods; drawing shapes. We show you what an abstract class and abstract method are and why you might want to use them. We also introduce you to a hierarchy of classes for drawing shapes. html   pdf
            DemoShapes.java   Shape.java   Parallelogram.java   Rhombus.java   Square.java

Lecture 15. Mar 015 (Tuesday). For-loops. We introduce the for-loop as an abbreviation for some while loops.    powerpoint     pdf


Lecture 14. Mar 10 (Thursday). Loops and assertions.

Lab 07. Mar 08. Loops and assertions. This lab (1) gives you practice in assigning to variables to truthify assertions and (2) asks you to develop four while loops.  rtf      pdf    File Lab07.java
Here are more exercises on loops: rtf    pdf    answers to the first 10: LoopExercises.java   JUnit tester for answers

Lecture 13. Mar 08 (Tuesday). Loops and assertions. We finish a discussion of assertions. Then, we talk about the development of a loop using a loop invariant to guide us. We introduce the four loopy questions we ask in order to develop or to understand a loop. After this lecture, study Secs 7.1–7.3. Also, it will help trmendously to do the self-review exercises in these sections. If you don't understand this material, don't simply do nothing; get help from Gries, a TA, or a consultant immediately.    powerpoint     pdf


Lecture 12. Mar 03 (Thursday). Loops and assertions. We begin our discussion of loops with an introduction to the while loop. In preparation for later work, we spend interactive time on assertions and truthifying them.   powerpoint     pdf

Lab 06. Mar 01. Class Vector. Class Vector maintains a list of Objects. Besides the lecture notes, you are responsible for the material in Sec. 5.3 (pp. 184--188) of the course text, which discusses class Vector.  html     pdf    File Lab06.java

Lecture 11. Mar 01 (Tuesday). This lecture covers the notion of casting among types (just as you can do a cast (double) 5 and (int) 3.4). It discusses operator instanceof and shows you the proper way to write function equals.    powerpoint    pdf


Lecture 10. Feb 24 (Thursday). Review for this evenings prelim. Gries is out of town today. Two TAs will lead the class in a review for tonight's prelim. You can ask any questions you want.

Lab 05. Feb 22. Writing functions. You will write a number of functions that manipulate Strings.   html     pdf    File Methods.java

Lecture 09. Feb 22 (Tuesday). Methods. The class is devoted to the development of an algorithm to anglicize integers. An important point arises: the need to define local variables in a comment near their declaration. We also saw a PLive lecture on Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven", on top-down design. The two classes provided below contain the methods for anglicizing integers andfor testing those methods. We made some adjustments after the fact to make sure that blanks were properly inserted.  powerpoint   pdf     Anglicize    TestAnglicize


Lecture 08. Feb 17 (Thursday). Methods continued. We introduced the local variable. We looked at the syntax of the three kinds of method definition. We looked at the syntac of the three kinds of method call. We began discussing the development of method bodies using "stepwise refinement". And, we looked in more detail at the contents of the frame (or box) for a method call. powerpoint.    pdf      class Demo    class TwoString

Lab 04. Feb 15. Strings and wrapper classes. This lab leads you through the use of class String and the wrapper classes like Integer.   html     pdf

Lecture 07. Feb 15 (Tuesday). Methods. We looked at the definition of procedures and calls on them. We learned how to execute method calls by hand. We introduced the if-statement, the if-else statement, the block, and the return statement in a procedure. The powerpoint slides were revised to include info on assignment A2 and to fix an error. These links are to the revised slides:  powerpoint   pdf


Lecture 06. Feb 10 (Thursday). We cover some miscellaneous point about classes and subclasses: Inheritance and overriding, constructors, use of super and this, and methods equals and toString. powerpoint slides     pdf     class Employee    class Executive

Lab 03. Feb 08. Testing classes and using static variables. This lab gives you practice with the material in Lecture 05.   html     Class ThreeDimPoint.

Lecture 05. Feb 08 (Tuesday). Testing classes and using static variables. power point slides    pdf   Class Chapter    Class ChapterTester
We talked about debugging. We showed how to use the JUnit testing facility in DrJava to create and save test cases and to run them whenever we want. We talked about static variables and fields. Finally, we discuss specifications of methods a bit, indicating what a "precondition" is (see the last ppt slide). In case you want the pictures shown just before the lecture started, here they are, in a zip file.


Lecture 04. Feb 03 (Thursday). Customizing a class. power point slides    pdf      class Chapter
We developed a class Chapter. The purpose of this lecture was to (1) Show how to declare fields (we make them private so they can't be referenced directly outside the class), (2) exhibit getter functions and setter procedures, (3) illustrate a variable of class Chapter, and (4) introduce the idea of a constructor. We also introduced class Object, which automatically extends classes that don't explicitly extend another class. Topics to be covered next time: function toString(), static components (fields and methods), and the testing of programs.

Lab 02. Feb 01. JFrame objects and extending class JFrame. This lab got people familiar with class JFrame and the notion of extending a class.   html    pdf

Lecture 03. Feb 01 (Tuesday). Customizing a class. power point slides    pdf      class SquareFrame
We developed a class SquareFrame that extended class JFrame. This means that every folder or object of class SquareFrame contained all the fields and methods that a JFrame folder did, plus the fields and methods declared directly in class definition SquareFrame.


Lecture 02. Jan 27 (Thursday). Objects. power point slides    pdf
We introduced the notion of a class and objects of that class. An object is just a manila folder, and a class is a file drawer that contains manila folders. A manila folder may contain variables (fields) and methods. Methods are either functions (which yield a value when called) or procedures (which do something when called). We talked about importing a bunch of classes. And we looked at class JFrame, which is in package javax.swing. We demoed all this in DrJava.

Lab 01. Jan 26. Java expressions. This lab got people familiar with DrJava and evaluating expressions in the interactions pane.   html    pdf

Lecture 01. Jan 25 (Tuesday). Java expressions. power point slides    pdf
The major part of this lecture was devoted to going over Java expressions, as discussed in Secs. 1.1 and 1.2 of the text. By the next lecture, you should have read these sections and looked at related activities in the CD ProgramLive.