The Final is Friday, 13 May, 12:00PM to 2:30PM, in Barton East

You have to know everything that was coverd in the three prelims. The handouts on the three prelims tell you what that is (see the course web page). If the following items come up on the final, we will tell you about them. You do not have to study these topics:

Exception handling, GUIs, reading a file or the keyboard, applications and applets

But you have to know

1. Multi-dimensional arrays. See below.

2. Matlab. See below.

3. Several algorithms. You know this already, but we repeat it for emphasis. any one of the following algorithms can be asked for. We may simply say "show the binary search algorithm", or "Show us the logarithmic exponentiation algorithm", and you have to give the precondition, postcondition, loop invariant, and the algorithm. It is expected that the loop with initialization is developed from the invariant; a loop that has nothing to do with the invariant you write gets little credit. Everyone should get full credit on this question because it is simply a matter of sitting down and practicing writing everything down.

Multi-dimensional arrays

You have to know about "rectangular arrays", arrays declared and created like this:

Frame[][] f;              f= new Frame[5][20];

You should know how to access the length of the row of elements and the lengths of the columns c[i] and how to reference an element of an two-dimensional array.

This is what you have to know about MATLAB.

0. The notation a:b to denote the row of integers [a (a+1) (a+2) ... b]
The notation a:increment:b

1. The basics of creating arrays, using

(a) row vector notation: [ 10 20 30 ]
(b) column vector notation [10; 20; 30]
(c) rectangular array notation [10 20 30;40 50 60]
(d) stacking rows: if x is [10 20], then [x x] is [10 20 10 20]
(e) stacking columns. if u = [1 2]; v = [3 4] then [u;v;u] is

1 2
3 4
1 2

(f) for a row vector, size(x) gives the number of elements.
for an array, size(x) gives an array giving the number of elements in each row.
for this purpose, a column vector is really a 1-by-n array.

(g) transpose b' of an array or vector b

(h) functions zeros(n), zeros(n,m), ones(n) and ones(n,m)

(i) elementwise addition, subtraction, multiplication, division of an array by a scalar or a scalar by an array, e.g. [10 5 2] + 5.

(j) Elementwise operations on arrays:
addition b + c
subtraction b + c
multiplication b .* c
division b ./ c
exponentiation b .^ c

(k) functions max, min, sum, cumsum, prod, cumprod, median, abs, floor, ceil, sqrt

(l) Defining functions, e.g.

% = the mean and standard deviation of nonempty row vector x
function [mean,stdev] = stat(x)
n = length(x);
mean = sum(x)/n;
stdev = sqrt(sum(x-mean).^2)/n);

(m) if-statements, e.g.

d= sqrt(b^2 -4*a*c);
if d>0
   r1 = (-b+d)/(2*a);
   r2 = (-b-d)/(2*a);
   disp(`Complex roots')
if (x>y) & (x>z)
   maxval = x;
elseif y>z
   maxval = y;
   maxval = z;

(n) Be able to put together expressions that calculate a sum or cumulative sum of n terms of a series. For example, we wrote this function for the cumulative sum of n terms of Wallis's formula

   2*2/(1*3) + 4*4/(3*5) + 6*6/(5*7) + ...

function answer= wallis(n)
evens= 2 * (1..n)
odds= evens – 1
answer= 2*cumprod((evens .^2) ./ (odds .* (odds + 2))

Here are some infinite sums to practice on.

5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + ...
1 - 1 + 1 - 1 + 1 - 1 + ...
1/1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 + ...
1/(1*1) + 1/(2*2) + 1/(3*3) + 1/(4*4) + ...
1/1 - 1/2 + 1/3 - 1/4 + 1/5 - 1/6 + ...
1*2/(2*3) + 2*3/(3*4) + 3*4/(4*5) + ...
1/(1*2*3) + 1/(3*4*5) + 1/(4*5*6) + ...