DIVORCING YOUR PARTNER David I. Schwartz What do you if you have been working with the same partner all semester, but no longer wish to? It's like any "breakup" (bands, SOs, mates, friends, etc). There's no easy way. The best thing to remember? Speak in terms of "I statements." Call/talk with the person and explain in *calm* terms...say it this way: "I'm sorry, but I need to work on my own or with another partner for the rest of the semester." If your soon-to-be ex-parnter asks why, avoid "you" statements. In general, statements starting with "you are and you are " that indicate faults hurt. Worse yet, they encourage arguments and defensiveness. Also, all of us tend to love or hate things in others that we see reflected in ourselves... so, "you" statements speak of oneself. Choose them with care.... Instead, "I statements," such as "I want to end the partnership because I'm not happy" or "I need a different partner to advance my CS degree," lessen the blow and avoid hurtful blame-games.