What To Hand In for Project 7 Java Inheritance: + Printout of your Java code for each class: Creature, Cat, Dog, DogCow, and the main method + Printout of the output from $main$. Matlab revisitation of Project 6: + Prinouts of all your Matlab function files: $transform$, $tally$ + Printout of the code below interleaved with its results -- copy each of the two blocks of code and paste it into the Command Window to give us interleaved code and output. plain = 'We Apologize for the Inconvenience'; julius = 'abnocdgpwxyefqrstuvhijklmz'; caesar = 'deqrfgjszabhituvwxyklmnopc'; cipher = transform(julius,caesar,plain); plain2 = transform(caesar,julius,cipher); ok = all(plain == plain2); plain, julius, caesar, cipher, plain2, ok plain= 'Time to feed the chickens, Paw! Ay-yup! Git the lunch bag, Maw!'; top = 'sLvWPdEncFRjQBahOItMzgyxku'; bot = 'CpaTQoweZirBYVhlndxSMKuGfj'; cipher = transform(top,bot,plain); plain2 = transform(bot,top,cipher); ok = all(plain == plain2); plain, julius, caesar, cipher, plain2, ok + Printout of the unigram and bigram tables and total counts of unigrams for this single string: a-aAa,-aBBA-23-aBC-ac-AD-13--ada--..-Baa-^^bad-cAB-&cb-CDC-dab-dad-DADA-dc Show your Matlab code that calls $tally$ and displays the tallies. Format the tables nicely, e.g. using $num2str$. Decryption: + Printout of all the code, including the explanation of the version of hill-climbing that you used (see the post Additional P7 Requirements on the newsgroup). Note: if you do decryption in Matlab and use the same code for the Project-6-Revisitation, do NOT hand in duplicate printouts. + Printout of the process (show each committed swap, the resulting labels, and the resulting bigram distance-- see the post Additional P7 Requirements on the newsgroup) of decrypting the Official Ciphertext. + Printout of the deciphered official ciphertext. + Optional: Circle the two movie references hidden in the Official Message and identify the movies they are from. + Optional: the process of decrypting the "Interesting Ciphertext" posted to the newsgroup on 4/27 and its deciphering.