CS 100: Programming Assignment P7A and P7B


Part A.


Correctness + Style Partial Credit Guidelines:

Regular polygon constructor: 1+1

General Constructor: 1+1

Centroid: 2+1 (-1 if return centroid of relative polygon)

Normalization: 1+1

Intersect: 2+1 (-1 if correct but work with relative vertices.)

// An instance of this class is a polygon
public class polygon extends closedPolyline
    // The Constructors
    // Constructs a regular polygon with nSides sides, radius r, and center alpha_point.
    public polygon(point alpha_point, int nSides, double r)
       n = nSides;
       alpha = alpha_point;
       relVertex = new point[n];
       double mu = 2*Math.PI/n;
       for (int k=0;k < n;k++)
           relVertex[k] = new point(r*Math.cos(k*mu),r*Math.sin(k*mu));
    // Let n = theta.length = r.length and assume n>=3. Constructs a polygon with n sides.
    // The k-th vertex is 
    //            (alpha_point.x + r[k]*cos(theta[k]) , alpha_point.y + r[k]*sin(theta[k])).
    // It is assumed that the vertices are distinct and that 
    //                  0<=theta[0]<=theta[1]<=...<=theta[n-1]<=2pi
    // and that theta[0] + pi < theta[n-1].
    public polygon(point alpha_point, double[] theta, double[] r)
       n = theta.length;
       alpha = alpha_point;
       relVertex = new point[n];
       for (int k=0;k < n;k++)
           relVertex[k] = new point(r[k]*Math.cos(theta[k]),r[k]*Math.sin(theta[k]));
    // Yields the centroid of the polygon.
    public point centroid()
       point origin = new point(0,0);
       point Ck;
       double Ak;
       double A = 0;
       double xSum = 0;
       double ySum = 0;
       for(int k=0;k < n;k++)
          Ak = point.triangleArea(origin,relVertex[k],relVertex[(k+1)%n]);
          Ck = point.triangleCentroid(origin,relVertex[k],relVertex[(k+1)%n]);
          xSum = xSum + Ak*Ck.get_x();
          ySum = ySum + Ak*Ck.get_y();
          A = A + Ak;
       return new point(alpha.get_x()+xSum/A,alpha.get_y()+ySum/A);      
   // Translates the polygon so its centroid is at (0,0).
   public void normalize()
      point theCentroid = centroid();
   // Yields true if the boundary of this polygon intersects the boundary of P.
   public boolean intersect(polygon P)
      point[] v1 = this.get_absVertex();
      point[] v2 = P.get_absVertex();
      for(int i=0;i< v1.length;i++)
         for (int j=0;j < v2.length;j++)
            if (point.intersect(v1[i],v1[(i+1)%v1.length],v2[j],v2[(j+1)%v2.length]))
               return true;
      return false;

Part B

8 points total.

2 points overall for style

2 points if one of the four horizontal/vertical searches is correct. 3points if they all work and Rook-Queen threats processed OK

2 points if one of the four diagonal searches works. 3 points if they all work and Bishop-Queen threats procesed OK.

Other types of deductions:

Everything correct but the loop starting values are wrong: -2.

Everything correct but the post loop calculations wrong: -2

Everything correct but overall logic wrong, e.g., return false without checking all 8 search directions: -3


// Yields true if position (r,c) is threatened by a Queen, a Rook, or a Bishop.
    public boolean qrbThreat(int r, int c)
       int r0,c0;  // Row and column indices.
       // Look left along the row.
       while (onBoard(r,c0) && pieceBoard[r][c0].equals(""))
       if(onBoard(r,c0) && (pieceBoard[r][c0].equals("Q")||pieceBoard[r][c0].equals("R")))
          return true;
       // Look right along the row.
       while (onBoard(r,c0) && pieceBoard[r][c0].equals(""))
       if(onBoard(r,c0) && (pieceBoard[r][c0].equals("Q")||pieceBoard[r][c0].equals("R")))
          return true;
       // Look up along the column.
       while (onBoard(r0,c) && pieceBoard[r0][c].equals(""))
       if(onBoard(r0,c) && (pieceBoard[r0][c].equals("Q")||pieceBoard[r0][c].equals("R")))
          return true;
       // Look down along the column.
       while (onBoard(r0,c) && pieceBoard[r0][c].equals(""))
       if(onBoard(r0,c) && (pieceBoard[r0][c].equals("Q")||pieceBoard[r0][c].equals("R")))
          return true;
       // Look along the northeast diagonal
       while (onBoard(r0,c0) && pieceBoard[r0][c0].equals(""))
       if(onBoard(r0,c0) && (pieceBoard[r0][c0].equals("Q")||pieceBoard[r0][c0].equals("B")))
          return true;  
       // Look along the southeast diagonal
       while (onBoard(r0,c0) && pieceBoard[r0][c0].equals(""))
       if(onBoard(r0,c0) && (pieceBoard[r0][c0].equals("Q")||pieceBoard[r0][c0].equals("B")))
          return true;  
       // Look along the southwest diagonal
       while (onBoard(r0,c0) && pieceBoard[r0][c0].equals(""))
       if(onBoard(r0,c0) && (pieceBoard[r0][c0].equals("Q")||pieceBoard[r0][c0].equals("B")))
          return true;  
       // Look along the northwest diagonal
       while (onBoard(r0,c0) && pieceBoard[r0][c0].equals(""))
       if(onBoard(r0,c0) && (pieceBoard[r0][c0].equals("Q")||pieceBoard[r0][c0].equals("B")))
          return true; 
       // If you reach this point then none of the eight searches found a qrb threat. 
       return false;   

Here is an implementation that exploits the similarities that you see in the above eight searches.

    // Yields true if position (r,c) is threatened by a Queen, a Rook, or a Bishop.
    public boolean qrbThreat(int r, int c)
       boolean diagSearch;  // True if looking along one of the four diagonal directions.
       int r0,c0;
       for(int dr=-1;dr<=1;dr++)
       // dr is the row search step (-1, 0, or +1)
          for(int dc=-1;dc <=1;dc++) 
             // dc is the column search step (-1, 0, or +1)
             if (Math.abs(dr)+Math.abs(dc)>0)
             // Always do the following unless dr = 0 and dc = 0.
                r0 = r+dr;
                c0 = c+dc;
                while (onBoard(r0,c0) && pieceBoard[r0][c0].equals(""))
                   r0 = r0+dr;
                   c0 = c0+dc;
                diagSearch = Math.abs(dr)+Math.abs(dc)==2;
                if (onBoard(r0,c0) &&  diagSearch && (pieceBoard[r0][c0].equals("Q") || pieceBoard[r0][c0].equals("B")))
                   // Found a bishop or queen on a diagonal search.
                   return true;
                else if (onBoard(r0,c0) && !diagSearch && (pieceBoard[r0][c0].equals("Q") || pieceBoard[r0][c0].equals("R")))
                   // Found a rook or queen on a row/column search.
                   return true;
        return false;