CS 100: Programming Assignment P1


// P1A
// Draws a logarithmic spiral with variable color..

import java.io.*;
import java.awt.*;

public class P1A {
   public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {
      Drawing d = new Drawing();
	  d.setTitle("Logarithmic Spiral");     

public class Drawing extends Frame {

   final int hc = 500;  
   final int vc = 350;    // (hc,vc) = center of the spiral
   final int n = 1000;    // The total number of "legs" in the spiral. 
   final int turn = 150;  // Turn factor. Each leg turns "left" this amount in degrees
   final double d = .5;   // The length of the kth leg is k*d
   public void paint(Graphics g) {
      int h, v;             // The horizontal and vertical coordinates of the current vertex.
      int h_next, v_next;   // The horizontal and vertical coordinates of the next vertex.
      double theta;         // The "angle" of the current leg.
      int k;                // The index of the current leg.
      double L;             // The length of the current leg.

      h = hc; v = vc;
      for (k=1;k<=n;k++) { // Determine the color of the kth leg. if (k%3="=0)" g.setColor(Color.magenta); else if (k%3="=1)" g.setColor(Color.cyan); else g.setColor(Color.green); // Determine the endpoints and draw. theta="(k*turn)*Math.PI/180;" L="k*d;" h_next="(int)" Math.round(h + L*Math.cos(theta)); v_next="(int)" Math.round(v + L*Math.sin(theta)); g.drawLine(h,v,h_next,v_next); h="h_next;" v="v_next;" } } } // P1B // Estimates pi as a limit of polygon areas. import java.io.*; public class P1B { public static void main( String args[]) { int n; // The number of sides in the approximating n-gons. double OuterA, InnerA; // The areas of the circumscibed and inscribed n-gons. double Error; // OuterA InnerA double c, s; // The cosine and sine of pi/n. n="4;" OuterA="4;" InnerA="2;" c="1.0/Math.sqrt(2.0);" System.out.println("\n n A(n) B(n) B(n)-A(n)"); System.out.println("-----------------------------------------------------------------"); while (OuterA InnerA> 0.00000001) {        
         n = 2*n;
         s = Math.sqrt((1.0 - c) / 2.0);  
         c = Math.sqrt((1.0 + c) / 2.0);
         InnerA = n*s*c;
         OuterA = n*s/c;
         Error = OuterA - InnerA;
         //System.out.println(n + "    " +  InnerA + "    " + OuterA + "    " + Error);
         Format.print(System.out,"%5d  ",n);
         Format.print(System.out,"   %15.9f  ",InnerA);
         Format.print(System.out,"   %15.9f ",OuterA);
         Format.println(System.out,"     %6.2e ",Error);


// P1B
// Estimates pi as a limit of polygon areas.

import java.io.*;

public class P1B {
   public static void main( String args[]) {
      int n;                   // The number of sides in the approximating n-gons.
      double OuterA, InnerA;   // The areas of the circumscibed and inscribed n-gons.
      double Error;            // OuterA - InnerA
      double c, s;             // The cosine and sine of pi/n.
      n = 4;
      OuterA = 4;
      InnerA = 2;
      c = 1.0/Math.sqrt(2.0);
      System.out.println("\n    n             A(n)                B(n)         B(n)-A(n)");
      while (OuterA - InnerA > 0.00000001) {        
         n = 2*n;
         s = Math.sqrt((1.0 - c) / 2.0);  
         c = Math.sqrt((1.0 + c) / 2.0);
         InnerA = n*s*c;
         OuterA = n*s/c;
         Error = OuterA - InnerA;
         //System.out.println(n + "    " +  InnerA + "    " + OuterA + "    " + Error);
         Format.print(System.out,"%5d  ",n);
         Format.print(System.out,"   %15.9f  ",InnerA);
         Format.print(System.out,"   %15.9f ",OuterA);
         Format.println(System.out,"     %6.2e ",Error);

// P1C
// Estimates pi via Monte Carlo.

import java.io.*;
import java.awt.*;

public class P1C {
   public static void main(String args[])  {
      Drawing d = new Drawing();
	  d.setTitle("P1C: The Dart Board");     

public class Drawing extends Frame {

   final int hc = 300;  
   final int vc = 250;        
   // (hc,vc) = center of circle
   final int r  = 200;        // the radius
   public void paint(Graphics g) {
      int Left = hc-r;        // Left edge of square
      int Top  = vc-r;        // Top edge of square
      long k;                 // Dart throw index
      long hits;              // Number of darts that land in circle.
      long n;                 // Total number of darts thrown.
      double x,y;             // (x,y) = coordinates of current dart throw
      double dist;            // Distance of current dart throw to center.
      double MyPi;
      // Draw the target.
      // --------------- Comment Line A ----------------------
      n = 100;
      for (k=1;k<=n;k++){
         // Generate the next dart throw and plot.
         x = Left + 2*r*Math.random();
         y = Top  + 2*r*Math.random();
      // --------------- Comment Line B ----------------------
      hits = 0;
      n = 100000;
      for (k=1;k<=n;k++){
         // Generate the next dart throw and plot.
         x = Left + 2*r*Math.random();
         y = Top  + 2*r*Math.random();
         // Check to see if the throw lands inside the circle and tabulate.
         dist = Math.sqrt((x-hc)*(x-hc) + (y-vc)*(y-vc));
         if (dist<=r)
      MyPi = ((double) hits/n)*4;
      Format.println(System.out,"Number of dart throws = %6d\n",n);
      Format.println(System.out,"Appx Pi = %20.15f",MyPi);
      Format.println(System.out,"True Pi = %20.15f",Math.PI);
      // --------------- Comment Line C ----------------------