CS 100: Lecture L24

April 22

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public class MailOrder extends Retailer
    /* Inherits variables 
    protected int nStores;       // Number of stores.
    protected int nItems;        // Number of items.
    protected int[][] price;     // Price array: price[i][j] is the price (in dollars) of item j in store i. 
    protected int[][] inv;       // Inventory array: inv[i][j] is the inventory of item j in store i.  
	protected double[] weight;   // Weight array.   weight[j] is the weight(kg) of item j, j=0,...,nItems-1.
	protected double[] location; // Store locations. The stores are located on the x-axis and for
	                             // i = 0,1,...,nStores-1, location[i] is its x-coordinate (in km).
	protected double   rate;     // Shipping rate. The cost to ship one kg of merchandise one km
	public MailOrder(int[][] P, int[][] I, double[] w, double[] x, double r)
	// P is the price array and I is the inventory array. They are the same size. The number
    // of stores equals the number of rows and the number of retail items equals the number of columns.
    // w is the weight array and x is the location array.
	   location = copy(x);
	   weight   = copy(w);
	   rate = r;
	public static double[] copy(double[] a)
	   int n = a.length;
	   double[] b = new double[n];
	   for(int i=0;i< n;i++)
	      b[i] = a[i];
	   return b;
   // i satisfies 0 < = i < nStores.
   // PO represents a purchase order. It has length nItems and P0[j] is the
   // quantity of item j that the customer wishes to buy.
   // Yields the cost of processing the purchase order at store i.
   public int iCost(int i, int[] PO, double x)
      // Find the value of the merchandise.
      int value = iCost(i,PO);  
      // Determine the total shipping cost.    
      double shippingWeight = 0;
      for(int j=0;j< nItems;j++)
         shippingWeight = shippingWeight + weight[j]*PO[j];
      int shippingCost = (int)(rate*shippingWeight*Math.abs(x-location[i]));
      return value + shippingCost;
   // PO represents a purchase order. It has length nItems and P0[j] is the
   // quantity of item j that the customer wishes to buy.
   // If no store can process the purchase order then an appropriate message is
   // printed and each store increases its inventory just enough so that it can 
   // process the PO "the next time".
   // Otherwise, the index of the store that can most cheaply fill the PO is printed 
   // along with the minimum cost. The store that processes the order has its inventory
   // depleted accordingly.
   public void processPO(int[] PO, double x)
      int i = 0;
      while (i< nStores && !iCanDo(i,PO))
      if (i==nStores)
         // No store has sufficient inventory.
         System.out.println("No single store can process this order at this time.");
         // Find the store that can most cheaply fill the PO.
         // NOTE: iCost is overloaded. Java can tell by the signature to use the version
         // above and not the version in the parent class Retailer.
         int minCost = iCost(i,PO,x);
         int bestStore = i;
         for (int s=i+1;s< nStores;s++)
            if (iCanDo(s,PO) && iCost(s,PO,x)< minCost)                                 
               bestStore = s;
               minCost = iCost(s,PO,x);
         System.out.println("Price at store " + bestStore + " is " + minCost);


import java.io.*;
public class ShowMailOrder
	public static void main(String args[])
       TokenReader in = new TokenReader(System.in);
	   // A sample price array.
	   int[][] eg_P = { { 32 , 20 , 22 , 12 , 19 , 17 , 31 , 12} ,
		                { 34 , 22 , 25 , 10 , 13 , 19 , 33 , 15} ,
		                { 34 , 21 , 24 , 13 , 17 , 17 , 34 , 12} };
	   // A sample inventory array.      
	   int[][] eg_I = { { 10 , 20 , 60 , 10 , 40 , 70 , 20 , 10} ,
	                    { 90 , 40 , 80 , 50 , 30 , 40 , 80 , 90} ,
	                    { 30 , 60 , 40 , 30 , 90 , 70 , 30 , 80} };
	   // A sample weight array
	   double[] eg_w = { .10 , .20 , .05 , .15 , .10 , .08 , .07 , .30};
	   // A sample location array
	   double[] eg_x = {30.2 , 7.6 , 48.9};
	   double eg_r = 2.0;
	   // Build a mail order business and process three customers located at x = 10, 30, and 50.
	   MailOrder TallMart = new MailOrder(eg_P,eg_I,eg_w, eg_x, eg_r);
	   int[] PO1 = {10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10}; TallMart.processPO(PO1,10); TallMart.showInv();
	   int[] PO2 = {20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20}; TallMart.processPO(PO2,30); TallMart.showInv();
	   int[] PO3 = {100,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};       TallMart.processPO(PO3,50); TallMart.showInv();

/* Output:

  10   20   60   10   40   70   20   10
  90   40   80   50   30   40   80   90
  30   60   40   30   90   70   30   80

Price at store 1 is 1760

  10   20   60   10   40   70   20   10
  80   30   70   40   20   30   70   80
  30   60   40   30   90   70   30   80

Price at store 2 is 4233

  10   20   60   10   40   70   20   10
  80   30   70   40   20   30   70   80
  10   40   20   10   70   50   10   60

No single store can process this order at this time.

 100   20   60   10   40   70   20   10
 100   30   70   40   20   30   70   80
 100   40   20   10   70   50   10   60
