CS 100: Lecture L12

March 4

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import java.io.*;

public class L12b
	public static void main(String args[])
           TokenReader in = new TokenReader(System.in);
	   String s = "abcd";
	   int n = s.length();
	   System.out.println(s + " has length " + n);
	   String t = "ab cd";
	   if (s.equals(t))
	      {System.out.println(s + " equals " + t);}
	      {System.out.println(s + " does not equal " + t);}
	   t = "abcd";
	   if (s.equals(t))
	      {System.out.println(s + " equals " + t);}
	      {System.out.println(s + " does not equal " + t);}
	   String r1 = "abc";
	   String r2 = "xyz";
	   r1 = r2;
	   r2 = "def";
	   System.out.println("r1 = " + r1 + "   r2 = " + r2);
	   String s1 = "ab";
	   String s2 = "cd";
	   String s3 = 1 + s1 + 2 + s2 + 3.1;
	   String B = "aardvark";
	   int n1 = B.indexOf("a");
	   int n2 = B.lastIndexOf("a");
	   int n3 = B.indexOf("ar");
	   int n4 = B.indexOf("z");
	   System.out.println("n1 = " + n1 + "   n2 = " + n2 + "   n3 = " + n3 + " n4 = " + n4);
	   String A1 = B.substring(4,7);
	   String A2 = B.substring(4,4);
	   String A3 = B.substring(4,5);
	   System.out.println("A1 = " + A1 + "  A2 = " + A2 + "  A3 = " + A3);

/* Output:

abcd has length 4
abcd does not equal ab cd
abcd equals abcd
r1 = xyz   r2 = def
n1 = 0   n2 = 5   n3 = 1 n4 = -1
A1 = var  A2 =   A3 = v


Clarification of the Alias Concept Using the Disk class and the String class.

import java.io.*;

public class ShowAliasIdea
	public static void main(String args[])
           TokenReader in = new TokenReader(System.in);
	   // Let's create 2 disk objects:
	   Disk D1 = new Disk(1,2,3);
	   Disk D2 = new Disk(10,20,30);
	   // If we "pretty print" the objects referred to by D1 and D2
	   // we see that they indeed refer to two separate disks:
	   // Output from this:  
	   //                    xc = 1.0   yc =  2.0  r =  3.0
           //                    xc = 10.0  yc = 20.0  r = 30.0
	   // Now the statement
	   D2 = D1;
	   // says that D2  now references the same object as D1. That is, D1 is
	   // an alias for D2 and vice versa. Let's confirm this:
	   // Output from this:
	   //                   xc = 1.0  yc = 2.0  r = 3.0
           //                   xc = 1.0  yc = 2.0  r = 3.0
	   // Even if we modify this object "through" D1,  D2 still refers to
	   // the same object as D1:
	   // Output from this:
	   //                   xc = 5.0  yc = 6.0  r = 3.0
           //                   xc = 5.0  yc = 6.0  r = 3.0
	   // Now strings are objects, so let us step through an analogous 
	   // sequence and see what happens.
	   // Let's create 2 string objects:
	   String s1 = "abc";
	   String s2 = "xyz";
	   // Output from this:
	   //                       abc
           //                       xyz
	   s2 = s1;
	   // s2 now refers to the same string object as s1:
	   // Output from this:
	   //                       abc
	   //                       abc
	   // Now let's modify the string referenced by s1 and see if s2
	   // "follows along":
	   s1 = s1 + "123";
	   // Output from this:
	   //                       abc123
	   //                       abc
	   // What's happened? The key is that the statement s1 = s1 + "123"
	   // does NOT modify the object referenced by s1. Java does not permit
	   // modification of string objects. A statement like s1 = s1 + "123"
	   // is equivalent to the following more 'traditional' appeal to the String constructor:
	   //                 s1 = new String(s1+"123"). 
	   // So s1 now refers to this new object while s2 continues to reference the 
	   // string object "abc".


Roman Numeral Calculations

// Methods for dealing with Roman numerals
public class RN 
   // Yields the value of the Roman numeral specified by the first character
   // of r. It is assumed that r is a valid one or two character Roman numeral    
   public static int valueOfShort(String r)
       String First  = r.substring(0,1);
       int s;
       // Determine the first character and assign its value to s without regard 
       // to the second character.
       if (First.equals("I"))
          {s = 1;}
       else if (First.equals("V"))
          {s = 5;}
       else if (First.equals("X"))
          {s = 10;}
       else if (First.equals("L"))
          {s = 50;} 
       else if (First.equals("C"))
          {s = 100;}
       else if (First.equals("D"))
          {s = 500;}
          {s = 1000;}
       // Identify those situations where the value is to be negated
       boolean specialI = r.equals("IV") || r.equals("IX");
       boolean specialX = r.equals("XL") || r.equals("XC"); 
       boolean specialC = r.equals("CD") || r.equals("CM");
       if (specialI || specialX || specialC )
          {return -s;}
          {return s;}