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(5/12) The Carpenter lab will be staffed 2-5pm today.

(5/10) The P7 grading guide/solution is available. So are the solutions to the final exam review questions. BUT you will hurt yourself by looking at the latter before you have spent sufficient time trying to derive the solutions yourself. There is one typo on the review sheet. In problem 2, the constructor's name should be closedPolyline.

(5/7) The following course evalutation form should be printed out and brought to the final exam. It also contains information about the final exam: PS, PDF.

(5/7) Final exam review questions are available: PS, PDF.

Final Review Session
Time and Place:  Tuesday, May 11, Olin 155, 7:30-9:00pm
Final Exam
Time and Place: Thursday, May 13, 9:00-11:30am.
Syllabus: L23, L24, L25, L26, L27, L28, S12, P7, and the Prelim III syllabus.

You must contact us by email by the end of Thursday, May 6 if you have another exam at the same time so that we can schedule an appropriate make-up. Include your name,  ID, and the conflicting course in the message. "Leaving early for summer vacation" does NOT qualify you for a make-up final

(5/7) If you want to use our chess  graphical user interface, use this version of P7b and download into the same folder that has your project the King, Queen, Rook, Bishop, and Knight image files.


(5/5) Typo on page 2 of the P7A handout:

public class polygon extends closedPolyline{

Not closedPolylines.

(4/30) Prelim 3 grading guide and results are available.

(4/30) The codes for P7A and P7B are available.

(4/28) Prelim 3 solution is available online.

(4/22) There will be an extra review session Sunday nite, 7:30-9, in Olin 155.

(4/22) The codes for P7A are available.

(4/22) P7 is due MAY 7, not April 30 as stated on the handout. (For one brief moment I thought next week was the last week of class!)


(4/20) Two clarifications with respect to the Prelim 3 syllabus. (1) You will not have to write any recursive methods since you never had to do that in an assignment. However, you may be asked a question about a recursive method. Review MergeSort and the recursive graphical methods that are in the lecture notes. (2) Lecture material from today onwards is not prelim 3 material, i.e., inheritance is not a prelim 3 topic. However, the example I am using to introduce inheritance is rich in array computations. So you might want to treat the lectures this week as fundamentally a review of arrays.

Review Session III
Time and Place:  Monday, April 26, Olin 155, 7:30-9:00pm
Prelim III
Time and Place: Tuesday, April 27, 7:30-9:00pm. Report to the lecture hall associated with the first letter of your last name:
Uris Auditorium A-H
Upson B-17 I-L
Phillips 219 M
Phillips 101 N-R
Olin 155 S-Z
Syllabus: L14, L15, L16, L17, L18, L19, L20, L21, L22, S8, S9, S10, S11, P5, P6, and the Prelim II syllabus.

You must contact us by email by the end of Tuesday, April 20 if you have another exam at the same time so that we can schedule an appropriate make-up. Include your name,  ID, and the conflicting course in the message.


(4/13) P6 Comments. In part B, for the second plot, plot errLow where errLow(i) = D(3,i)-Low(i). I.e., just like what you do for errHigh. No absolute values as it is more informative to leave them off.

Part C, 4th line from bottom should read D(2,m(1):m(2)-1) is a vector that consists of the average daily highs for January.

(4/13) P6 Due Date moved to Monday, April 19, 5pm Carpenter. (A large number of students have prelims this week and since the grading session is Monday nite, saw no reason not to do this.)

(4/9) The P6 Matlab codes are available. Also, if you have an interest in Ithaca weather data, take a look at this



Prelim 2 results.

Rough grade equivalents: A = [85-100], B = [65-80], C = [45-60]. Each "x" in the histogram is about 5 people.

95-100 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
90-94 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
85-89 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
80-84 xxxxxxxxx
75-79 xxxxxxxxxx
70-74 xxxxxxxxxx
65-69 xxxxx
60-64 xxxxxxxx
55-59 xxxxxx
50-54 xxxxx
45-49 xxxx
40-44 xxxx
0-39 xxxx

(4/1) Prelim 2 is graded and available in Carpenter lab . The median was 79. I'll have some grade analysis on Monday. The solution guide is also available. read it over.

(3/29) The P5 Due date will be Friday, April 9, 5pm in Carpenter. (Or in Lecture the day before.) The handout specifies a Thursday due date and that was a mistake.

(3/16) Prelim 2 Question themes. Q1: Do you know about strings and if-else nestings. Q2: Can you execute a program that has method calls. Q3 Can you write a static method and use it. Q4. Can you write an instance method and use it. Q5 Can you write a graphics method.

(3/15)  Several people have caught a pair of "lunar" mistakes in the formulation of problem 1 in S7. A "blue moon" refers to the second FULL moon in a month. The solution to this problem requires a slight modification to the problem I gave you. Also, although you can only have 13 full moons in a year you can have two blue moon months in the same year and 1999 happens to be an example of this. (It happens about every 25 years). You need a full moon in very early January giving blue moons in January and March. (No full moon in February.)

(3/15) I made a mistake in Lecture L12 concerning  the alias concept for strings. So I added a heavily commented demo program to the lecture notes to clarify the alias idea.

(3/12) P4 solution (without partial credit guide) is available.

(3/10) In P4, the graphics is crude/granular enough so that + or - one day in visual appearance is ok.

(3/10) Where are all the "handout readings" mentioned on the syllabus? It turns out that the handouts mentioned were not as necessary as I anticipated back in January when I wrote the syllabus. (The Lecture notes and Section Assignments   have filled the gaps that were to be allegedly filled by the handouts.) So you haven't missed anything. If there is a handout it will be prominently announced on the web site.

(3/10) Prelim II is coming up...

Review Session Time and Place:  Wednesday, March 17, Olin 155, 7:30-9:00pm
Prelim II Time and Place: Thursday, March 18, 7:30-9:00pm. Report to the lecture hall associated with the first letter of your last name:
Uris Auditorium A-H
Upson B-17 I-L
Phillips 219 M
Phillips 101 N-R
Olin 155 S-Z

Click here for syllabus details. One modification. You do not have to worry for this prelim about this, a Java feature that I mistakenly introduced in the Disk class. We'll deal with it later.

(3/10) Moon-Lovers click here.

(3/4) On the bottom of page 3 of the P4 handout, the horizontal and vertical components are reversed. The ordered pairs on the terminator are

                                                                  (hc + cos(2*pi*t/T)*d(v) , v)      not     (v, hc + cos(2*pi*t/T)*d(v))


                                                                   (hc - cos(2*pi*t/T)*d(v) , v)      not     (v, hc - cos(2*pi*t/T)*d(v))

(3/3) P3's are graded and in Carpenter Lab for pick-up. Solution guide is also available

(3/3) I reformatted all the handouts as they appear on the website. They are now in postscript form and should reproduce more clearly.

(3/3) In case your chosen date in P4C is "Man on Moon". It should be July 20, 1969. Not June 20, 1969.

(3/3) Typo on P4 handout. December 30, 1602 has absolute day index = 366 + 365 + 364.

(3/1) P3 solution available.

(2/26) Copies of P4 are in Carpenter and will be brought to class on Tuesday. The Java files you need are available here.

(2/24) Recall that  you told us about your previous programming experience on the pink form that we had you submit at the start of the semester. You may be interested in some Prelim 1 statistics based on those responses:

(2/19)  Make sure you use the P3A that is available on the web. It differs from the handout P3A in that we ask for b(100,30) and not b(550,30).

(2/18) The Prelim 1 results are now available. Exams can be picked up in Carpenter Lab Friday. If you want to pick up your exam before 3pm, we ask that you follow these guidelines so as to avoid crowding:

A-K from 9-11:15,

L-R from 11:15-1:00

S-Z from 1-3

(2/18) As you can see from the P3 handout, there are several ways to compute (the exact) n-choose-k. Some of these won't work for even modest values of k. for example, 500-choose-2 via 500!/(2!*498!) wont work because a long type isn't "big enough" to store something as huge as 500!. So compute n-choose-k by properly exploiting the update recipe (1) in the handout.

(2/18) Get the programs for P3 by clicking here.

(2/16) Graded P2s in Carpenter lab.

(2/8) PRELIM I  The first exam is held 7:30-9:00pm on Tuesday, February 16. Room assignments are based on the first letter of your last name:

Uris Auditorium


Upson B-17


Phillips 219


Phillips 101


Olin 155


For more details about the exam and the review session, click here.

(2/12) Sunday nite review session in Upson B-17, 7pm.

(2/10) Don't forget that Math.cos and Math.sin assume that the input value is a radian (not degree) measure. Thus, Math.cos(1) returns the cosine of one radian, not one degree. Remember that there are 2pi radians in a circle.

The console window in some environments is too small  for Part A. In particular, the top of the table gets lopped off. If that happens reduce n from 20 to 19 or 18 or whatever so that the whole thing fits.

(2/9) For P2A, B, and C, submit output and a hardcopy listing of the program that produced it. Follow the rules for submission or we will deduct 1 style point from your score.

(2/9) You are expected to use the TAs if you are having problems. They have walk-in hours but can also be contacted for appointments. They also hang around the Carpenter lab close to due dates.

(2/9) In P2C, theta is 2pi/n.

(2/8) PRELIM I  The first exam is held 7:30-9:00pm on Tuesday, February 16. Room assignments are based on the first letter of your last name:

Uris Auditorium


Upson B-17


Phillips 219


Phillips 101


Olin 155


For more details about the exam and the review session, click here.

(2/8)  In P2 Part A, the recipe given for Stirling's approximation isn't quite right. Should be sqrt(2pi*n) instead of sqrt(2pi/n). Since this change doesn't affect the "Java mission" of the problem, you can work with either the given or the corrected formula.

In P2 PartB you MUST use a while loop to control the iteration.However, there are solutions that do not require an if-else inside the loop body and it is ok to submit such a solution.

(2/5)  We are actually done with new Java constructs until after the first prelim. Next week's lectures will do more examples that feature for, while, and if.The prelim will have questions designed to test your understanding of types, type conversion, assignment, for, while, if, && and ||, drawLine, drawRect, drawOval, Math.rand(). S3 will have prelim-type questions.

(2/1) There has been a shuffling of the section instructor assignments. Click here.

(1/29) The Format.print and Format.println methods are not part of the basic Java language and so they are  not described in the text. It is made available through the CS 100 stationary. (The file that you see belonging to your project does the trick.) Here are a few examples that should illustrate how to use these two methods:

        int nB=9;
        int nF=11;
        Format.print(System.out,"\nThere are %1d baseball players ",nB);
        Format.println(System.out,"and %2d football players.",nF);

        double F=68.123456789;
        double C=1.8*F;
        Format.print(System.out,"\nIt is roughly %4.1f degrees Fahrenheit, i.e., ",F);
        Format.println(System.out," %4.1f degrees celsius.",C);

        double x = Math.pow(2.5,20.0);
        Format.println(System.out,"\nA big number like %25.10f is sometimes better displayed",x);
        Format.println(System.out,"as %10.3e if order of magnitude is the issue.",x);
The \n means skip a line. See p. 42 for a discussion of line feeds and println vs print.  

(1/28) The newgroup is available. Click here for instructions on how to sign up.

(1/27) P1B was modified on the website to correct the "flashing output" problem for some PC users. Ignore this if you have already copied P1B and have no problems.

P1A has an incorrect comment. The "turn" as you go from one spiral leg to the next is to the right, not left. This doesn't really matter in this assignment however.

(1/25) You will notice that our second prelim is the Thursday before spring break. Make-ups for students wishing to leave early will not be allowed. Plan your travel accordingly.

Relatedly, the university reserves the right to change the final exam time and date (currently set for 9:00am-11:30am om May 13.) Although this rarely happens, we advise you not to make final travel plans until after the full final exam schedule is published mid-semester.


(1/25) If you are not familiar with the Metrowerks Code Warrior system, then you should attend at least one of the following demonstrations:





Tuesday, Jan. 26


Olin 155

Wednesday, Jan. 27


Olin 155

Thursday, Jan. 28


Olin 155

Sunday, Jan. 31


Olin 155

Sunday, Jan. 31


Olin 155



(1/25) Based on Preregistration statistics, here are the College affiliations for the 538  CS 100 enrollees:


Agriculture and Life Science




Arts and Sciences






Human Ecology