Tips for Assignment 2

These are dated so that you can see what (if any) has been added or changed since the last time you checked.

[1/30] Read the handout CAREFULLY.
We are quite EXPLICIT about much of what you must do, e.g. the precise name of field boxColor.
[1/30] How to add field boxColor of type Color.
Mimic the existing declarations. For example, "public int xUpperLeft" declares a field (named) xUpperLeft of type int.
In this case, you want type Color instead of type int, and field name boxColor instead of xUpperLeft. Note that "Color" will not be syntax-colored blue like "int", but black. You'll probably want/need to declare it to be "public", just like the other fields.
[1/30] How to set/initialize field boxColor
Merely assign to field boxColor, just like with xCenter or xUpperLeft -- there is no need for "new".
[1/30] How to declare and use local variables of type int.
These declarations are much like the declarations for the fields of class Box (except that you omit the keyword "public"): you need to give the type and the name of each local variable (followed by a semicolon and a comment). Again, you need merely assign to
these local variables; again there is no need for "new".