CS 7794: The Cornell NLP Seminar - Spring 2020

The Cornell NLP seminar is a weekly meeting for people currently or soon to be actively doing research in NLP. Students simply looking to learn more about NLP should not enroll, but should take one of our lecture courses instead. For more information about NLP at Cornell, please see the group page.

Joint sessions location: Gates 310+Bloomberg 398
Split sessions locations: Gates 310+Bloomberg 397 / Gates G13+Bloomberg 398
Time: Friday, 1:30pm

The seminar alternates between joint and split sessions. In joint sessions, the entire group meets together. Typically, one participant leads each joint session with a presentation and a discussion of their work. Split sessions follow a reading group style with two separate sub-groups. Each of the two sessions will discuss a paper selected and briefly presented by one of the participants. Student choose which of the two sub-groups to attend at the beginning of the semester. All meetings take place both in Ithaca and NYC.

Presenters should send their presentation information to the cs-nlp-seminar-l email list (append @cornell.edu) by the Friday preceding the presentation date. For paper presentations, include the sub-group, title, author, abstract, publication venue, and a URL (or PDF, if presenting a draft) in your email. For a research presentation and discussion, send some sort of abstract, which can be as brief as a single line.

All participants are expected to attend all meetings. If you must miss a meeting, mail both the presenter for that week (as a courtesy) and Yoav Artzi, Claire Cardie, Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, Lillian Lee, and Sasha Rush (so we know). We are sorry, but auditting is not possible.


The calendar shows the seminar meetings (blue) and the general Cornell NLP calendar (red).

The NLP seminar is supported by a gift from