CS 6740/INFO 6300 Advanced Language Technologies

Spring 2016

Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11:40am-12:55pm
Place: 401 Hollister
Instructor: Professor Claire Cardie
For contact info and office hours, see top of Claire's home page

Readings and Materials for Classes; Assignment and Project Due Dates

piazza link for the course

Course Description

Graduate-level research-focused introduction to technologies for the computational treatment of information in human-language form, covering natural-language processing (NLP) and/or information retrieval (IR).

The goal of the course is to teach you how to evaluate and conduct leading-edge research in natural language processing (NLP). As a result, I'll tailor the course content to your specific interests.

The majority of classes will consist of presentations and active discussion of research papers in NLP from (usually) recent top conferences (e.g. ACL, NAACL, EMNLP). The remainder of the classes are devoted to project-related presentations, exercises and discussions. (Yes, you will complete a semester-long research project, usually in a small group.)


Possible Topics to be Covered
  Information extraction
Information retrieval models
Text categorization
Topic modeling
Question answering systems
Machine translation
Dialogue systems
Language modeling
Word-sense disambiguation
Part-of-speech tagging
Semantic analysis
Discourse processing
Coreference analysis
NL generation

Reference Material
All reference materials are optional: 


I am most interested in your participation in productive research-oriented discussion (in class and on Piazza), interesting research proposals, and a good-faith final research project.

Academic Integrity
You are responsible for knowing and following Cornell's academic integrity policy. Absolute integrity is expected of every Cornell student in all academic undertakings; he/she must in no way misrepresent his/her work fraudulently or unfairly advance his/her academic status, or be a party to another student's failure to maintain academic integrity. The maintenance of an atmosphere of academic honor and the fulfillment of the provisions of this Code are the responsibilities of the students and faculty of Cornell University. Therefore, all students and faculty members shall refrain from any action that would violate the basic principles of this Code. Violation of the academic integrity policy will not be tolerated, and will result in an F in the course.

See the University Code of Academic Integrity.