CS5430 Project: Phase 2 Details

Due Date: 2/29 (Wed) 9am.   No late assignments will be accepted.

Weight: 25%


Build a Social Network Server and a Client GUI that (i) implement the functionality described in your Phase 1 submission, (ii) are consistent with the general guidelines discussed here, but (iii) do not include code whose sole function is to enforce a security property or resist attacks.

The distinction between baseline functionality and security properties is not always clear cut. Here are guidelines for deciding what functionality your code in this phase should implement (and, consequently, what functionality should not be implemented until later phases).

Submission Procedure. All submissions should be made through CMS. Submit the following files (at least) as part of a .zip:

TEAM.txt which contains the names (and net-ids) for all team members. Also, for each team member give a 1 or 2 paragraph description of the tasks this team member performed and the number of hours this required.

README.txt which contains
  • The names and a description of the contents for the other files in the directory.
  • Instructions for installing, compiling, and running your software on our Windows system. Expect the grader to spend approximately 10 minutes on this task, so try the process yourself with a stopwatch to check whether the grader might be able to fulfill your expectations.
  • A tutorial that the grader can follow to run your software and observe that it does what it should.

TESTPLAN.txt which explains the process you employed to test the system you implemented and submitted for this phase. TESTPLAN.txt should contain details about the kinds of test-cases you used (or perhaps enumerate those test-cases) and it should discuss the results of running those test-cases.

Source files that contain the source code needed to compile and run your system.

Grading Process. Sign-up for a 1-hour system demo and group interview. The sign-up sheet will be posted outside Upson 4115 at or before 11:25am on Friday 2/24. Interviews will be scheduled starting on March 1, 2012 (location to be announced). Your entire group must be present for the interview. At the interview, a member of the course staff will: