CS5430 Project: Phase 1 Details

Due Date: 2/8 (Wed) 9am.   No late assignments will be accepted.

Weight: 20%


The deliverable for this phase is a relatively short document that describes the system your group will build. This document serves two purposes.

  1. It allows the course staff to check that what you plan to build is a sensible system and is sufficiently (but not overly) ambitious. Where there are obvious problems, we will ask questions or make suggestions about how to proceed. If there are severe problems then we may invite you to submit a revised document, which we will also review.

  2. It defines what you will be building and establishes the baseline against which your implementation will be evaluated. If you don't ultimately deliver a running system with the functionality you propose in this phase then your grade will be lowered. So be realistic.

Note, plans to implement the Extra Credit functionality should not be disclosed in this document. Extra Credit functionality is something to be contemplated only after you have a running project for the baseline functionality.

Format. Your Phase I deliverable should be prepared in Microsoft Word and submitted to CMS as a .doc or .docx. Use 10 point font or larger, "single" line spacing, and at least 1 inch margins. The entire document should be at most 5 pages (single-sided). A document that does not follow these standards will be returned unread to its authors for re-formatting and receive a grade deduction. (Success in life depends, to a surprising degree, on just following instructions.)

Structure your document as follows.

We will evaluate your Phase I submission against criteria listed below.

Clarity and correct American or British language style and usage is required throughout (because it really does matter in the "real world"). Bad grammar, usage, or style will lead to grade penalties. Groups with all non-native speakers are urged to have somebody (who is not enrolled in this course) critique their prose.