CS5414 (Fall 2010) Homework 2
More on Causality and Clock Implementation

Due: 9:00am, 9/17/2010
Relative weight: 8 units

General Instructions. You are expected to work alone on this assignment.

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Problem 1

The distributed system in homework 1 was synchronous. In this problem, we consider a distributed system that is completely asynchronous. Assume that: Thus, no assumptions can be made about parameters D, DDmin, and DDmax in homework 1. Obviously, giving real-time execution bounds for programs that run in such a system is pointless, so nobody expects them.

(1.1) Describe an implementation of logical clocks for this distributed system. Your implementation must satisfy the two two requirements of a logical clock:

  1. Distinct events are assigned distinct logical timestamps.
  2. If an event E is potentially cause for another event F then TS(E) < TS(F).
Your implementation must satisfy the following:

(1.2) Argue that your implementation satisfies the two requirements of a logical clock:

  1. Distinct events are assigned distinct logical timestamps.
  2. If an event E is potentially cause for another event F then TS(E) < TS(F).

Problem 2

Recall that a vector clock VC maps each event E to a timestamp VC(E) and satisfies the following strong clock condition:
    E --> F if and only if VC(E) < VC(F)
Vector clocks are not the only method for implementing a mechanism that satisfies the strong clock condition, though.

A prime clock PC is constructed as follows. Assume that every processor i is assigned and knows a unique prime number pi. Assume also that each processor has a way to store integers that can grow arbitrarily large.

  1. Each processor i maintains a counter PCi, which is initially set to pi.
  2. Whenever a local event E occurs at processor i, the following is executed:
      PCi := PCi * pi
    The timestamp PC(E) of E is the value of PCi after the update.
  3. Whenever a send event E for a message m occurs at processor i, the following is executed:
      PCi := PCi * pi;
      timestamp TS(m) = PCi is included as part of m
    The timestamp PC(E) of E is the value of PCi after the update.
  4. Whenever a receive event for a message m occurs at processor i, the following is executed
      PCi := PCi * TS(m) * pi
    The timestamp PC(E) of E is the value of PCi after the update.
(2.1) Give an implementation for a relation "<" on values from prime clocks that causes values obtained from prime clocks to satisfy the strong clock condition. That is, give a procedure for computing whether PC(E) < PC(F) holds, such that
    E --> F if and only if PC(E) < PC(F)
is valid.

(2.2) Prove that prime clocks satisfy the weak clock condition:

    E --> F implies PC(E) < PC(F).

(2.3) EXTRA CREDIT Prove that prime clocks satisfy the strong clock condition:

    E --> F if and only if PC(E) < PC(F)

Hint for all parts: The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic asserts that every positive integer greater than 1 has a unique factorization as a product of prime numbers.