CS5414 (Fall 2010): Regrade Policy

Graders are human and do make mistakes. If a mistake was made in grading your paper, then we would be happy to fix it. Here is the process:
  1. Please prepare a written regrade request. This will be a letter (typeset is easier to read) that explains why you believe the assigned grade is wrong.

  2. Then submit that regrade request to Professor Schneider. Include the graded paper that you are contesting.
Professor Schneider will read your written request, consider its validity, and make a decision about a grade change. The grade on your assignment might increase, decrease, or remain unchanged as a result of the additional scrutiny the regrade request engenders.

Be sure to have read and understood the solution set before you submit a regrade request. If you don't understand our posted solution then you are unlikely to understand why we think your solution is wrong. Feel free to meet with the course staff if you can't understand the posted solution set or if you can't understand the written comments the grader provided on your solution. The grade on your solution and/or changes to the grade are "out of bounds" topics for discussion at that meeting.

Resist the temptation to use regrade requests as a means to fish for a better grade. Any regrade request that we perceive to be specious will inspire increased rigor in rechecking your submission, and that often leads to a grade reduction. The course staff will go to great lengths to help you understand the course content; we are considerably less enthusiastic about discussing how what you wrote could be stretched to mean the right answer.