CS 4410 covers systems programming and introductory operating system design and implementation. We will cover the basics of operating systems, namely structure, concurrency, scheduling, synchronization, memory management, filesystems, security and networking.
Prerequisites: CS 4410 is open to any undergraduate who has mastered the material in CS3410/ECE3140. Students enrolled in 4410 can also choose to take 4411) and complete the practicum project.

Lectures & Recitations

  • Lectures take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:25-2:40 in 155 Olin Hall
  • There are also 6 optional (but highly recommended!) Recitations in which TAs will help students work through problems likely to be seen on exams. Each Recitation will be held twice, one on Saturday (12-1:30pm in Gates 114) and one on Sunday (2-3:30pm in Gates 114). Dates and tentative topics are as follows:
    • Recitation #1, Feb 11/12, Architectural Support, Processes & Threads
    • Recitation #2, Feb 25/26, Synchronization
    • Recitation #3, March 11/12, CPU Scheduling, Deadlocks & Networking
    • Recitation #4, March 25/26, Prelim 1 & Networking
    • Recitation #5, April 22/23, Main Memory & Security
    • Recitation #6, May 7, File Systems


  • 99% of all matters can be handled on Piazza:
  • For exam accommodations, please contact Jenna Edwards (jls478 in 401 Gates Hall).

  • For serious matters that must be handled exclusively by the instructor, please email cs4410-prof or--when possible--come to instructor office hours.


  • Bring your student ID to all of your exams. We will be taking attendance by having you swipe it through a card reader upon arrival.
  • Prelims are on 3/16 and 4/27 at 7:30 pm in Kimball B11. Note: before classes had started, Prelim 1 was originally scheduled for March 9. This has been changed to March 16 so please double check your calendars.
  • Alternate Prelims are scheduled for the same day at 5:15pm in the same room. You do not need to email us to take the alternate exam time. However, you may not leave the alternate exam early for any reason.
  • After prelims have been graded, you can pick up your exam in the Homework Handback Room in Gates 216. It is open Monday through Friday from 12:00 pm - 4:30 pm, and it is closed during university breaks.
  • The final exam will be on Tue, May 23 @ 2:00 PM in Uris Hall G01.
  • If you need any accommodations for these exams, please contact Jenna Edwards (jls478 in 401 Gates Hall). We are happy to meet the needs of our students in this matter.