CS 4320 (and 5320): Introduction to Database Systems

CS4320/CS5320 is an introduction to relational database systems, NoSQL and NewSQL systems, and other tools for large-scale data analysis. Topics covered include the relational model, SQL, query processing and optimization, transactions, recovery, NoSQL and NewSQL systems, database design, Map Reduce, and Spark. 

The accompanying practicum course is CS 4321/5321. 

You find video recordings of the lecture from Fall 2017 here. All assignments will be distributed over the Course Management System (CMS). We will be using Piazza as a forum for student discussion, for announcements, and to distribute material such as lecture notes. Therefore, this website is deliberately fairly minimalistic. 

Please read and make sure to always comply with the course policies, outlined here. 


Here are the contact details for the course staff:


The course meets three times a week, MWF 2:30pm - 3:20pm, in Olin Hall 155.


The grade is calculated based on the following:

Office Hours:

Office hours will be posted on Piazza - changes to regular office hours will be posted as Piazza announcements.

Additional Material:

About the first two thirds of the course are based on the textbook "Database Management Systems" by Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke. The last third of the course discusses recently proposed systems, more details about them can be found in the corresponding research papers.