CS 3410: Spring - 2016

Computer System Organization and Programming

Instructor: Anne Bracy


CS 3410 provides an introduction to computer organization, systems programming and the hardware/software interface. Topics include instruction sets, computer arithmetic, datapath design, data formats, addressing modes, memory hierarchies including caches and virtual memory, I/O devices, bus-based I/O systems, and multicore architectures. Students learn assembly language programming and design a pipelined RISC processor. The course is open to any undergraduate who has mastered the material in CS 2110.


Administrivia [pdf]


Tuesday, Thursday: 10:10 - 11:25am, Upson Hall B17


All sections are either in Carpenter 104 (Blue room) or Phillips 318

Day Time Location TAs Comments
Tuesday 1:25pm - 2:40pm Carpenter 104 Oscar, Rishab, Xianyuan
Tuesday 2:55pm - 4:10pm Carpenter 104 Kylar, Kyle, Lucas
Wednesday 11:40am - 12:55pm Carpenter 104 Aditi, Miranda, Rebecca
Wednesday 1:25pm - 2:40pm Carpenter 104 Anthony, Charlie, Nic
Wednesday 3:35pm - 4:50pm Carpenter 104 Hong, Oscar, Yi
Wednesday 7:30pm - 8:45pm Phillips 318 Chirag, Matthew, Stephen
Thursday 11:40am - 12:55pm Carpenter 104 Alanna, Rebecca, Rishab
Thursday 2:55pm - 4:10pm Carpenter 104 Alice, Chirag, Kylar
Friday 11:40am - 12:55pm Phillips 318 Alex, Brian, Lucas designated make-up section
Friday 1:25pm - 2:40pm Phillips 318 Anthony, Brian, Liang

Prelims & Final Exam

Prelims are on March 3 and May 5 @ 7:30 pm.
Alternate Prelims are scheduled for the same day at 5:15pm. You do not need to email us to take the alternate exam time. You may not leave the alternate exam early for any reason.

There is no written final exam. Project 4 will be due on Tuesday, May 17 at 4:30. This date and time is set by the university and there will be no extensions or late submissions allowed.