CS2049: Intermediate iPhone Development

Cornell University, Spring 2017

Instructor: Craig Frey (ccf27)


Time: Saturdays, 1 PM to 4 PM
Dates: Feb 4th, Feb 25th, Mar 11th, Mar 25th
Place: G01 Gates Hall
TA: tbd ()


The course covers intermediate topics in iOS development with a hands-on approach. During each lecture students develop an application along with the lecturer.

Covered topic include AVFoundation (audio and video framework, including video capture), SpriteKit, CoreMotion, Auto-Layout, and multi-threaded application development.

The course is taught in Swift using the latest non-beta version of Xcode and iOS.

Pre-requisite: CS2048 or basic understanding of Xcode and Obj-C or Swift.

Requirements: In every lecture each student must bring: a Mac with Xcode 8 installed, and an iPhone running iOS >=9.




1 CoreMotion, AutoLayout, Segue, StackViews [PDF] [Code]
2 AVFoundation
3 Persistance with Realm.io, CocoaPods
4 SpriteKit
Acknowledgments. We'd like to thank Tim Novikoff for providing the initial labs and class plan.