# game2d.py # Walker M. White (wmw2) # November 14, 2013 """Module to provide simple 2D game support. This module provides all of the classes that are to use (or subclass) to create your game. DO NOT MODIFY THE CODE IN THIS FILE. See the online documentation in Assignment 6 for more guidance. It includes information not displayed in this module.""" # Basic Kivy Modules import kivy import kivy.app import kivy.uix.label # Lower-level kivy modules to support animation from kivy.config import * from kivy.clock import Clock from kivy.graphics import * from kivy.graphics.instructions import * from kivy.config import Config # Widgets necessary for some technical workarounds from kivy.uix.floatlayout import FloatLayout from kivy.uix.label import Label # Additional miscellaneous modules import os import os.path import numpy import random import colormodel import pygame.mixer import sys # User-defined resources FONT_PATH = str(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'Fonts')) SOUND_PATH = str(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'Sounds')) IMAGE_PATH = str(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'Images')) import kivy.resources kivy.resources.resource_add_path(FONT_PATH) kivy.resources.resource_add_path(SOUND_PATH) kivy.resources.resource_add_path(IMAGE_PATH) # Initialize the sound engine. FREQUENCY = 44100 BITSIZE = -16 CHANNELS = 2 BUFFER = 1024 pygame.mixer.init(FREQUENCY,BITSIZE,CHANNELS,BUFFER) #### CONSTANTS #### # Data caching for graphics objects CACHE_ALL = 0 CACHE_POS = 1 CACHE_SIZE = 2 CACHE_COLOR = 3 CACHE_SOURCE = 4 # LINE SIZE LINE_SIZE = 1 #### HIDDEN HELPER FUNCTIONS #### def _same_side(p1, p2, a, b): """Return: True is p1, p2 are on the same side of segment ba. Precondition: p1, p2, a, b are all 2d tuples of int or float.""" ba = numpy.append(numpy.subtract(b,a),[0]) cp1 = numpy.cross(ba,numpy.subtract(p1,a)) cp2 = numpy.cross(ba,numpy.subtract(p2,a)) return numpy.dot(cp1,cp2) >= 0 def _in_triangle(p, t): """Return: True if p is in triangle t Precondition: p is a 2d tuple of int or float. t is a 6-element tuple of int or float.""" return (_same_side(p, t[0:2], t[2:4], t[4:6]) and _same_side(p, t[2:4], t[0:2], t[4:6]) and _same_side(p, t[4:6], t[0:2], t[2:4])) def _and(x,y): """Return: x and y (used for reduce)""" return x and y def _is_num(x): """Return: True if x is an int or float""" return type(x) in [int,float] def _is_color(x): """Return: True if x represents a color""" if type(x) in [colormodel.RGB, colormodel.HSV]: return True if type(x) in [tuple, list] and 3 <= len(x) <= 4: return reduce(_and, map(lambda x: type(x) in [int, float] and 0 <= x <= 1, x)) return False def _is_image_file(name): """Return: True if name is the name of an image file""" if type(name) != str: return False return os.path.exists(IMAGE_PATH+'/'+name) def _is_font_file(name): """Return: True if name is the name of an font file""" if type(name) != str: return False return os.path.exists(FONT_PATH+'/'+name) def _is_sound_file(name): """Return: True if name is the name of an font file""" if type(name) != str: return False return os.path.exists(SOUND_PATH+'/'+name) #### FUNCTIONS #### def Sound(filename): """Creates a new Sound object for the given file. This function is a proxy for the pygame.mixer.Sound class. That class requires some finicky initialization in order to work properly. In order to hide that from you, we have given you this function to use instead. Treat this function just like a constructor (except that the object type is pygame.mixer.Sound, not Sound). :param filename: string providing the name of a sound file See the online documentation for more information.""" assert _is_sound_file(filename), `filename`+' is not a sound file' absname = filename if os.path.isabs(filename) else str(os.path.join(SOUND_PATH, filename)) return pygame.mixer.Sound(absname) #### GEOMETRY CLASSES #### class GPoint(object): """Instances are a Point in 2D space. This class is used primarily for recording and handling mouse locations.""" # PROPERTIES @property def x(self): """The x coordinate of the point. **Invariant**: Must be an int or float.""" return self._x @x.setter def x(self,value): assert type(value) in [int, float], `value`+' is not a number' self._x = float(value) @property def y(self): """The y coordinate of the point. **Invariant**: Must be an int or float.""" return self._y @y.setter def y(self,value): assert type(value) in [int, float], `value`+' is not a number' self._y = float(value) # METHODS def __init__(self, x=0, y=0): """**Constructor**: creates a new GPoint value (x,y). :param x: initial x value **Precondition**: value is an int or float. :param y: initial y value **Precondition**: value is an int or float. All values are 0.0 by default. """ self.x = x self.y = y def __eq__(self, other): """**Returns**: True if self and other are equivalent GPoint. This method uses numpy to test whether the coordinates are "close enough". It does not require exact equality for floats. :param other: value to compare against """ return (type(other) == GPoint and numpy.allclose(self.list(),other.list())) def __ne__(self, other): """**Returns**: True if self and other are not equivalent GPoint. :param other: value to compare against """ return not self == other def __str__(self): """**Returns**: Readable String representation of this GPoint. """ return "("+str(self.x)+","+str(self.y)+")" def __repr__(self): """**Returns**: Unambiguous String representation of this GPoint. """ return "%s%s" % (self.__class__,self.__str__()) def list(self): """**Returns**: A python list with the contents of this GPoint.""" return [self.x,self.y] def __add__(self, other): """**Returns**: the sum of self and other. The value returned has the same type as self (so it is either a GPoint or is a subclass of GPoint). The contents of this object are not altered. :param other: tuple value to add **Precondition**: value has the same type as self. """ assert (type(other) == type(self)), "value %(value)s is not a of type %(type)s" % {'value': `other`, 'type':`type(self)`} result = copy.copy(self) result.x += other.x result.y += other.y return result def __sub__(self, other): """**Returns**: the vector from tail to self. The value returned is a GPoint representing a vector with this point at its head. :param other: the tail value for the new Vector **Precondition**: value is a Point object. """ assert (type(other) == type(self)), "value %(value)s is not a of type %(type)s" % {'value': `other`, 'type':`type(self)`} result = copy.copy(self) result.x -= other.x result.y -= other.y return result def __mul__(self, scalar): """**Returns**: the scalar multiple of self and other. The value returned is a new GPoint. The contents of this GPoint are not altered. :param scalar: scalar to multiply by **Precondition**: value is an int or float. """ assert (type(scalar) in [int,float]), "value %s is not a number" % `scalar` result = copy.copy(self) result.x *= scalar result.y *= scalar result.z *= scalar return result def __rmul__(self, scalar): """**Returns**: the scalar multiple of self and other. The value returned is a new GPoint. The contents of this GPoint are not altered. :param scalar: scalar to multiply by **Precondition**: value is an int or float. """ return self.__mul__(scalar) def interpolate(self, other, alpha): """**Returns**: the interpolation of self and other via alpha. The value returned has the same type as self (so it is either a GPoint or is a subclass of GPoint). The contents of this object are not altered. The resulting value is alpha*self+(1-alpha)*other according to GPoint addition and scalar multiplication. :param other: tuple value to interpolate with **Precondition**: value has the same type as self. :param alpha: scalar to interpolate by **Precondition**: value is an int or float. """ assert (type(other) == type(self)), "value %(value)s is not a of type %(type)s" % {'value': `other`, 'type':`type(self)`} assert (type(alpha) in [int,float]), "value %s is not a number" % `alpha` return alpha*self+(1-alpha)*other def distanceTo(self, other): """**Returns**: the Euclidean distance from this point to other :param other: value to compare against **Precondition**: value is a Tuple3D object. """ return numpy.sqrt((self.x-other.x)*(self.x-other.x)+ (self.y-other.y)*(self.y-other.y)) class GObject(object): """Instances provide basic geometry information for drawing to a `GView` You should never make a GObject directly. Instead, you should use one of the subclasses: GRectangle, GEllipse, GLine, GTriangle, GPolygon, GImage, and GLabel.""" # PROPERTIES @property def x(self): """The horizontal coordinate of the left hand side. **Invariant**: Must be an int or float. It is equivalent to attribute `left`.""" return self._x @x.setter def x(self,value): assert type(value) in [int, float], `value`+' is not a number' self._x = float(value) if self._cache_on: self._cache(CACHE_POS) @property def y(self): """The vertical coordinate of the bottom. **Invariant**: Must be an int or float. It is equivalent to attribute `bottom`.""" return self._y @y.setter def y(self,value): assert type(value) in [int, float], `value`+' is not a number' self._y = float(value) if self._cache_on: self._cache(CACHE_POS) @property def width(self): """The horizontal width of this shape. Positive values go to the right. **Invariant**: Must be an int or float.""" return self._width @width.setter def width(self,value): assert type(value) in [int, float], `value`+' is not a number' self._width = float(value) if self._cache_on: self._cache(CACHE_SIZE) @property def height(self): """The vertical height of this shape. Positive values go up. **Invariant**: Must be an int or float.""" return self._height @height.setter def height(self,value): assert type(value) in [int, float], `value`+' is not a number' self._height = float(value) if self._cache_on: self._cache(CACHE_SIZE) @property def center_x(self): """The horizontal center of this shape. **Invariant**: Must be an int or float. It is equivalent to `x+width/2`""" return self._x+self._width/2.0 @center_x.setter def center_x(self,value): # Width remains fixed. self.x = value - (self._width/2.0) @property def center_y(self): """The vertical center of this shape. **Invariant**: Must be an int or float. It is equivalent to `y+height/2`""" return self._y+self._height/2.0 @center_y.setter def center_y(self,value): # Width remains fixed. self.y = value - (self._height/2.0) @property def left(self): """The horizontal coordinate of the left hand side. **Invariant**: Must be an int or float. It is equivalent to attribute `x`.""" return self._x @left.setter def left(self,value): self.x = value @property def right(self): """The horizontal coordinate of the right hand side. **Invariant**: Must be an int or float. It is equivalent to `x+width`.""" return self._x + self._width @right.setter def right(self,value): self.x = value - self._width @property def bottom(self): """The vertical coordinate of the bottom. **Invariant**: Must be an int or float. It is equivalent to attribute `y`.""" return self._y @bottom.setter def bottom(self,value): self.y = value @property def top(self): """The vertical coordinate of the bottom. **Invariant**: Must be an int or float. It is equivalent to `y+height`.""" return self._y + self._height @top.setter def top(self,value): self.y = value - self._height @property def fillcolor(self): """The object fill color. Used to color the backgrounds or, in the case of solid shapes, the shape interior. **Invariant**: Must be a 4-element list of float between 0 and 1. If you assign it a RGB or HSV object from module `colormodel`, it will convert the color for your automatically.""" return self._fillcolor.rgba @fillcolor.setter def fillcolor(self,value): assert _is_color(value), `value`+' is not a valid color' if type(value) in [tuple, list] and len(value) == 3: value = list(value)+[1.0] elif type(value) in [colormodel.RGB, colormodel.HSV]: value = value.glColor() self._fillcolor = Color(value[0],value[1],value[2],value[3]) if self._cache_on: self._cache(CACHE_COLOR) @property def linecolor(self): """The object line color. Used to color the foreground, text, or, in the case of solid shapes, the shape border. **Invariant**: Must be a 4-element list of float between 0 and 1. If you assign it a RGB or HSV object from module `colormodel`, it will convert the color for your automatically.""" return self._linecolor.rgba @linecolor.setter def linecolor(self,value): assert _is_color(value), `value`+' is not a valid color' if type(value) in [tuple, list] and len(value) == 3: value = list(value)+[1.0] elif type(value) in [colormodel.RGB, colormodel.HSV]: value = value.glColor() self._linecolor = Color(value[0],value[1],value[2],value[3]) if self._cache_on: self._cache(CACHE_COLOR) def __init__(self,**keywords): """**Constructor**: creates a new GObject to support drawing. :param keywords: dictionary of keyword arguments **Precondition**: See below. To use the constructor for this class, you should provide it with a list of keyword arguments that initialize various attributes. For example, to initialize the x position and the fill color, use the constructor call GObject(x=2,fillcolor=colormodel.RED) You do not need to provide the keywords as a dictionary. The ** in the parameter `keywords` does that automatically. Any attribute of this class may be used as a keyword. The argument must satisfy the invariants of that attribute. See the list of attributes of this class for more information.""" # Set the properties. # Set cache check to correct value self._cache_on = False # Have to initialize size first self.width = keywords['width'] if 'width' in keywords else 0.0 self.height = keywords['height'] if 'height' in keywords else 0.0 # Now (relative) position if 'x' in keywords: self.x = keywords['x'] elif 'left' in keywords: self.left = keywords['left'] elif 'center_x' in keywords: self.center_x = keywords['center_x'] elif 'right' in keywords: self.right = keywords['right'] else: self._x = 0.0 if 'y' in keywords: self.y = keywords['y'] elif 'bottom' in keywords: self.bottom = keywords['bottom'] elif 'center_y' in keywords: self.center_y = keywords['center_y'] elif 'top' in keywords: self.top = keywords['top'] else: self._y = 0.0 self.fillcolor = keywords['fillcolor'] if 'fillcolor' in keywords else (1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0) self.linecolor = keywords['linecolor'] if 'linecolor' in keywords else (0,0,0,1) def contains(self,x,y): """Return: True if this shape contains the point (x,y), False otherwise. :param x: x coordinate of point to check **Precondition**: an int or float :param y: y coordinate of point to check **Precondition**: an int or float This method always returns `False` for a `GObject`.""" return False def _cache(self,style=CACHE_ALL): """Helper method to cache data to speed drawing. This method should be overridden for specific drawing instructions.""" pass def draw(self,view): """Draw this shape in the provide view. :param view: view to draw to **Precondition**: an *instance of* `GView` Ideally view should be the one provided by `Game`.""" # No drawing, but turn on the cache if not self._cache_on: self._cache() self._cache_on = True class GLine(GObject): """Instances represent a sequence of line segments The line is defined by the `points` attribute which is an (even) sequence of alternating x and y values. When drawn in a `GView` object, the line starts from one x-y pair in `points` and goes to the next x-y pair. If `points` has length 2n, then the result is n-1 line segments. The object uses the attribute `linecolor` to determine the color of the line. The attribute `fillcolor` is unused (even though it is inherited from `GObject`).""" # PROPERTIES @property def x(self): """The horizontal coordinate of the left hand side. **Invariant**: Immutable float. It is equivalent to attribute `left`.""" return self._x @property def y(self): """The vertical coordinate of the bottom **Invariant**: Immutable float. It is equivalent to attribute `bottom`.""" return self._y @property def width(self): """The horizontal width of this shape. Positive values go to the right. **Invariant**: Immutable float.""" return self._width @property def height(self): """The vertical height of this shape. Positive values go up. **Invariant**: Immutable float.""" return self._height @property def center_x(self): """The horizontal center of this shape. **Invariant**: Immutable float. It is equivalent to `x+width/2`""" return (self._x+self._width)/2.0 @property def center_y(self): """The vertical center of this shape. **Invariant**: Immutable float. It is equivalent to `y+height/2`""" return (self._y+self._height)/2.0 @property def left(self): """The horizontal coordinate of the left hand side. **Invariant**: Immutable float. It is equivalent to attribute `x`.""" return self._x @property def right(self): """The horizontal coordinate of the right hand side. **Invariant**: Immutable float. It is equivalent to `x+width`.""" return self._x + self._width @property def bottom(self): """The vertical coordinate of the bottom. **Invariant**: Immutable float. It is equivalent to attribute `y`.""" return self._y @property def top(self): """The vertical coordinate of the bottom. **Invariant**: Immutable float. It is equivalent to `y+height`.""" return self._y + self._height @property def points(self): """The sequence of points that make up this line. **Invariant**: Must be a sequence (list or tuple) of int or float. The length of this sequence must be even with length at least 4.""" return self._points @points.setter def points(self,value): assert type(value) in [tuple,list], `value`+' is not a tuple or list' assert len(value) % 2 == 0 and len(value) > 2, 'length '+`len(value)`+' is not the correct size' assert reduce(_and, map(_is_num,value)), `value`+' is not a tuple of numbers' self._points = tuple(value) if self._cache_on: self._cache(CACHE_ALL) def __init__(self,**keywords): """**Constructor**: creates a new sequence of line segments. :param keywords: dictionary of keyword arguments **Precondition**: See below. To use the constructor for this class, you should provide it with a list of keyword arguments that initialize various attributes. For example, to create a line from (0,0) to (2,3), use the constructor call GLine(points=[0,0,2,3]) This class supports the same keywords as `GObject`, though many of them are unused, as the position and size attributes are now all immutable. Position and size are computed from the list of points. Therefore `point` and `linecolor` are the two primary keywords used by this constructor.""" self._cache_on = False self.points = keywords['points'] if 'points' in keywords else () self.fillcolor = keywords['fillcolor'] if 'fillcolor' in keywords else (1,1,1,1) self.linecolor = keywords['linecolor'] if 'linecolor' in keywords else (0,0,0,1) def _cache(self,style=CACHE_ALL): """Helper method to cache data to speed drawing. This method should be overridden for specific drawing instructions.""" mxx = None mxy = None mnx = None mny = None xpos = True for p in self.points: if xpos: if mxx is None or mxx < p: mxx = p if mnx is None or mnx > p: mnx = p else: if mxy is None or mxy < p: mxy = p if mny is None or mny > p: mny = p xpos = not xpos self._x = mnx self._y = mny self._width = mxx-mnx self._height = mxy-mny self._lcache = Line(points=self.points,cap='round',joint='round',close=True) def contains(self,x,y): """Return: True if this shape contains the point (x,y), False otherwise. :param x: x coordinate of point to check **Precondition**: an int or float :param y: y coordinate of point to check **Precondition**: an int or float This method always returns `False` as a `GLine` has no interior.""" return False def draw(self,view): """Draw this shape in the provide view. :param view: view to draw to **Precondition**: an *instance of* `GView` Ideally view should be the one provided by `Game`.""" # Invoke the cache GObject.draw(self,view) view.canvas.add(self._linecolor) view.canvas.add(self._lcache) class GTriangle(GLine): """Instances represent a solid triangle. The triangle is defined sequence of three point. Just as with the `GLine` class (which is the parent of this class), it has an attribute `point` which represents this points as an even-length sequence of ints or floats. The interior (fill) color of this rectangle is `fillcolor`, while `linecolor` is the color of the border.""" @property def points(self): """The sequence of points that make up this triangle. **Invariant**: Must be a sequence (list or tuple) of int or float. The length of this sequence must be 6 (for 3 points).""" return self._points @points.setter def points(self,value): assert type(value) in [tuple,list], `value`+' is not a tuple or list' assert len(value) == 6, 'length '+`len(value)`+' does not have 6 elements' assert reduce(lambda x, y: x and y, map(_is_num,value)), `value`+' is not a tuple of numbers' self._points = tuple(value) if self._cache_on: self._cache(CACHE_ALL) def __init__(self,**keywords): """**Constructor**: creates a new solid triangle. :param keywords: dictionary of keyword arguments **Precondition**: See below. To use the constructor for this class, you should provide it with a list of keyword arguments that initialize various attributes. For example, to create a red triangle with vertices (0,0), (2,3), and (0,4), use the constructor call GTriangle(points=[0,0,2,3,0,4],fillcolor=colormodel.RED) As with `GLine` the position and size attributes of this class are all immutable. They are computed from the list of points.""" GLine.__init__(self,**keywords) def _cache(self,style=CACHE_ALL): """Helper method to cache data to speed drawing. This method should be overridden for specific drawing instructions.""" GLine._cache(self) size = 3 vertices = () for x in range(3): vertices += self.points[2*x:2*x+2]+(0,0) self._mcache = Mesh(vertices=vertices, indices=range(size), mode='triangle_strip') def contains(self,x,y): """Return: True if this shape contains the point (x,y), False otherwise. :param x: x coordinate of point to check **Precondition**: an int or float :param y: y coordinate of point to check **Precondition**: an int or float This method uses a standard test for triangle inclusion.""" return _in_triangle((x,y),self._points) def draw(self,view): """Draw this shape in the provide view. :param view: view to draw to **Precondition**: an *instance of* `GView` Ideally view should be the one provided by `Game`.""" GObject.draw(self,view) view.canvas.add(self._fillcolor) view.canvas.add(self._mcache) view.canvas.add(self._linecolor) view.canvas.add(self._lcache) class GPolygon(GLine): """Instances represent a solid polygon. The polygon is a triangle fan from the attribute `centroid` to the points in the attribute `points` (inherited from `GLine`). If you wish to construct a convex polygon, simply store the outside border in `point`, and assign `centroid` any point inside the polygon. If you do not assign a `centroid`, one will be computed by averaging all of the points on the boundary. We use this approach to define polygons as it allows us to avoid complex tesselation algorithms.""" @property def centroid(self): """The base of the triangle fan representing this polygon. In practice it should be an interior point in the shape, preferably the centroid. However, this is not enforced. **Invariant**: Must be a sequence (list or tuple) of int or float. The length of this sequence must be 2 (to represent one point).""" return self._centroid @centroid.setter def centroid(self,value): assert type(value) in [tuple,list], `value`+' is not a tuple or list' assert len(value) == 2, `value`+' does not have 2 elements' assert reduce(lambda x, y: x and y, map(_is_num,value)), `value`+' is not a list of numbers' self._centroid = tuple(value) self._cache() def __init__(self,**keywords): """**Constructor**: creates a new solid polyon :param keywords: dictionary of keyword arguments **Precondition**: See below. To use the constructor for this class, you should provide it with a list of keyword arguments that initialize various attributes. For example, to create a hexagon, use the constructor call GPolygon(points=[0.87,0.5,0,1,-0.87,0.5,-0.87,-0.5,0,-1,0.87,-0.5]) As with `GLine` the position and size attributes of this class are all immutable. They are computed from the list of points. If the shape is not convex, you must specify a `centroid` to act as the anchor for the triangle fan. Otherwise, the centroid is computed automatically.""" GLine.__init__(self,**keywords) if 'centroid' in keywords: self.centroid = keywords['centroid'] else: xpos = 0.0 ypos = 0.0 for i in range(len(self.points)): if i % 2 == 0: xpos += self.points[i] else: ypos += self.points[i] size = float(len(self.points)/2) self.centroid = (xpos/size, ypos/size) def _cache(self,style=CACHE_ALL): """Helper method to cache data to speed drawing. This method should be overridden for specific drawing instructions.""" GLine._cache(self) size = len(self.points)/2 vertices = self.centroid+(0,0) for x in range(size): vertices += self.points[2*x:2*x+2]+(0,0) vertices += self.points[0:2]+(0,0) self._mcache = Mesh(vertices=vertices, indices=range(size+2), mode='triangle_fan') def contains(self,x,y): """Return: True if this shape contains the point (x,y), False otherwise. :param x: x coordinate of point to check **Precondition**: an int or float :param y: y coordinate of point to check **Precondition**: an int or float This method cycles through each triangle in the triangle fan and tests each triangle for inclusion.""" found = False for i in xrange(4,len(self._points),2): t = self.centroid+self.points[i-4:i] found = found or _in_triangle((x,y),t) return found def draw(self,view): """Draw this shape in the provide view. :param view: view to draw to **Precondition**: an *instance of* `GView` Ideally view should be the one provided by `Game`.""" GObject.draw(self,view) view.canvas.add(self._fillcolor) view.canvas.add(self._mcache) view.canvas.add(self._linecolor) view.canvas.add(self._lcache) class GRectangle(GObject): """Instances represent a solid rectangle. The attributes x and y refer to the bottom left corner of the rectangle. The interior (fill) color of this rectangle is `fillcolor`, while `linecolor` is the color of the border. For more fine-grained rectangle placement, you should make use of the attributes `center_x`, `center_y`, `right`, and `top`, all inherited from `GObject`. See that class for more information.""" def __init__(self,**keywords): """**Constructor**: creates a new solid rectangle :param keywords: dictionary of keyword arguments **Precondition**: See below. To use the constructor for this class, you should provide it with a list of keyword arguments that initialize various attributes. For example, to create a red square anchored at (0,0), use the constructor call GRectangle(x=0,y=0,width=10,height=10,fillcolor=colormodel.RED) This class supports the all same keywords as `GObject`.""" GObject.__init__(self,**keywords) def _cache(self,style=CACHE_ALL): """Helper method to cache data to speed drawing. This method should be overridden for specific drawing instructions.""" if style == CACHE_POS: self._scache.pos=(self.x, self.y) self._lcache.pos=(self.x-LINE_SIZE, self.y-LINE_SIZE) elif style == CACHE_SIZE: self._scache.size=(self.width, self.height) self._lcache.size=(self.width+2*LINE_SIZE, self.height+2*LINE_SIZE) else: self._scache = Rectangle(pos=(self.x, self.y), size=(self.width, self.height)) self._lcache = Rectangle(pos=(self.x-LINE_SIZE,self.y-LINE_SIZE),size=(self.width+2*LINE_SIZE,self.height+2*LINE_SIZE)) def contains(self,x,y): """Return: True if this shape contains the point (x,y), False otherwise. :param x: x coordinate of point to check **Precondition**: an int or float :param y: y coordinate of point to check **Precondition**: an int or float This method uses a standard test for rectangle inclusion.""" return (self.left <= x and x <= self.right and self.bottom <= y and y <= self.top) def draw(self,view): """Draw this shape in the provide view. :param view: view to draw to **Precondition**: an *instance of* `GView` Ideally view should be the one provided by `Game`.""" # Invoke the cache GObject.draw(self,view) view.canvas.add(self._linecolor) view.canvas.add(self._lcache) view.canvas.add(self._fillcolor) view.canvas.add(self._scache) class GEllipse(GRectangle): """Instances represent a solid ellipse. The ellipse is the largest one that can be drawn inside of a rectangle whose bottom left corner is at (x,y), with the given width and height. The interior (fill) color of this ellipse is `fillcolor`, while `linecolor` is the color of the border. For more fine-grained rectangle placement, you should make use of the attributes `center_x`, `center_y`, `right`, and `top`, all inherited from `GObject`. See that class for more information.""" def __init__(self,**keywords): """**Constructor**: creates a new solid ellipse :param keywords: dictionary of keyword arguments **Precondition**: See below. To use the constructor for this class, you should provide it with a list of keyword arguments that initialize various attributes. For example, to create a red circle anchored at (0,0), use the constructor call GEllipse(x=0,y=0,width=10,height=10,fillcolor=colormodel.RED) This class supports the all same keywords as `GObject`.""" GRectangle.__init__(self,**keywords) def _cache(self,style=CACHE_ALL): """Helper method to cache data to speed drawing. This method should be overridden for specific drawing instructions.""" if style == CACHE_POS: self._scache.pos=(self.x, self.y) self._lcache.pos=(self.x-LINE_SIZE, self.y-LINE_SIZE) elif style == CACHE_SIZE: self._scache.size=(self.width, self.height) self._lcache.size=(self.width+2*LINE_SIZE, self.height+2*LINE_SIZE) else: self._scache = Ellipse(pos=(self.x, self.y), size=(self.width, self.height)) self._lcache = Ellipse(pos=(self.x-LINE_SIZE,self.y-LINE_SIZE),size=(self.width+2*LINE_SIZE,self.height+2*LINE_SIZE)) def contains(self,x,y): """Return: True if this shape contains the point (x,y), False otherwise. :param x: x coordinate of point to check **Precondition**: an int or float :param y: y coordinate of point to check **Precondition**: an int or float This method is better than simple rectangle inclusion. It checks that the point is within the proper radius as well.""" if not GRectangle.contains(self,x,y): return False cx = self.center_x cy = self.center_y rx = self.width/2.0 ry = self.height/2.0 dx = (x-cx)*(x-cx)/(rx*rx) dy = (y-cy)*(y-cy)/(ry*ry) return (dx+dy) <= 1.0 class GImage(GRectangle): """Instance represents a rectangular image. The image is given by a JPEG, PNG, or GIF file whose name is stored in the attribute `source`. Image files should be stored in the **Images** directory so that Kivy can find them without the complete path name. In this graphics object, the `linecolor` and `fillcolor` attributes are ignored. The image is displayed as a rectangle whose bottom left corner is defined by the attributes `x` and `y`. If the attributes `width` and `height` do not agree with the actual size of the image, the image is scaled to fit. If the image supports transparency, then this object can be used to represent irregular shapes. However, the `contains` method still treats this shape as a rectangle. """ @property def source(self): """The source file for this image. **Invariant**. Must be a string refering to a valid file.""" return self._source @source.setter def source(self,value): assert value is None or _is_image_file(value), `value`+' is not an image file' self._source = value self._cache() def __init__(self,**keywords): """**Constructor**: creates a new rectangle image :param keywords: dictionary of keyword arguments **Precondition**: See below. To use the constructor for this class, you should provide it with a list of keyword arguments that initialize various attributes. For example, load the image `beach-ball.png`, use the constructor GImage(x=0,y=0,width=10,height=10,source='beach-ball.png') This class supports the all same keywords as `GRectangle`, though the color keywords are ignored.""" GRectangle.__init__(self,**keywords) if 'source' in keywords: value = keywords['source'] assert value is None or _is_image_file(value), `value`+' is not an image file' self._source = value else: self._source = None self._scache = None def _cache(self,style=CACHE_ALL): """Helper method to cache data to speed drawing. This method should be overridden for specific drawing instructions.""" if style == CACHE_POS: self._scache.pos=(self.x, self.y) elif style == CACHE_SIZE: self._scache.size=(self.width, self.height) elif style == CACHE_SOURCE and not self._scache is None: self._scache.source = self._source else: self._scache = Rectangle(pos=(self.x, self.y), size=(self.width, self.height), source=self._source) def draw(self,view): """Draw this shape in the provide view. :param view: view to draw to **Precondition**: an *instance of* `GView` Ideally view should be the one provided by `Game`.""" # Invoke the cache GObject.draw(self,view) view.canvas.add(self._fillcolor) view.canvas.add(self._scache) class GLabel(GRectangle): """Instances represent an (uneditable) text label The attribute `text` defines the content of this image. Uses of the escape character '\\n' will result in a label that spans multiple lines. The label includes both the text, and a rectangular backdrop with bottom left corner at `pos` and width and height `size`. The background color of this rectangle is `fillcolor`, while `linecolor` is the color of the text. The text itself is aligned within this rectangle according to the attributes `halign` and `valign`. See the documentation of these attributes for how alignment works. There are also attributes to change the point size, font style, and font name of the text. The `size` attribute of this label will grow to ensure that the text will fit in the rectangle, no matter the font or point size. To change the font, you need a .ttf (TrueType Font) file in the Fonts folder; refer to the font by filename, including the .ttf. If you give no name, it will use the default Kivy font. The `bold` attribute only works for the default Kivy font; for other fonts you will need the .ttf file for the bold version of that font. See `ComicSans.ttf` and `ComicSansBold.ttf` for an example.""" @property def font_size(self): """Size of the text font in points. **Invariant**: A positive number (int or float)""" return self._label.font_size @font_size.setter def font_size(self,value): assert type(value) in (int,float), `value`+' is not a number' self._label.font_size = value self._label.texture_update() @property def font_name(self): """File name for the .ttf file to use as a font **Invariant**: string referring to a .ttf file in folder Fonts""" return self._label.font_name @font_name.setter def font_name(self,value): assert _is_font_file(value), `value`+' is not a font name' self._label.font_name = value self._label.texture_update() @property def bold(self): """Boolean indicating whether or not the text should be bold. Only works on the default Kivy font. Does not work on custom .ttf files. In that case, you need the bold version of the .ttf file. See `ComicSans.ttf` and `ComicSansBold.ttf` for an example. **Invariant**: boolean""" return self._label.bold @bold.setter def bold(self,value): assert type(value) == bool, `value`+' is not a bool' self._label.bold = value self._label.texture_update() @property def text(self): """Text for this label. The text in the label is displayed as a single line, or broken up into multiple lines in the presence of the escape character '\\n'. The `size` attribute of this label grows to make sure that the entire text fits inside of the rectangle. **Invariant**: string""" return self._label.text @text.setter def text(self,value): assert type(value) == str, `value`+' is not a string' self._label.text = value self._label.texture_update() @property def halign(self): """Horizontal alignment for this label. The text is anchored inside of the label rectangle on either the left, the right or the center. This means that as the size of the label increases, the text will still stay rooted at that anchor. **Invariant**: one of 'left', 'right', or 'center'""" return self._halign @halign.setter def halign(self,value): assert value in ('left','right','center'), `value`+' is not a valid horizontal alignment' self._halign = value self._label.halign = value self._cache(CACHE_POS) @property def valign(self): """Vertical alignment for this label. The text is anchored inside of the label rectangle at either the top, the bottom or the middle. This means that as the size of the label increases, the text will still stay rooted at that anchor. **Invariant**: one of 'top', 'bottom', or 'middle'""" return self._valign @valign.setter def valign(self,value): assert value in ('top','middle','bottom'), `value`+' is not a valid vertical alignment' self._valign = value self._label.valign = value self._cache(CACHE_POS) def __init__(self,**keywords): """**Constructor**: creates a new text label. :param keywords: dictionary of keyword arguments **Precondition**: See below. To use the constructor for this class, you should provide it with a list of keyword arguments that initialize various attributes. For example, to create a label containing the word 'Hello', use the constructor call GLabel(text='Hello') This class supports the same keywords as `GObject`, as well as additional attributes for the text properties (e.g. font size and name).""" if not 'fillcolor' in keywords: keywords['fillcolor'] = [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0] GRectangle.__init__(self,**keywords) self._label = Label(**keywords) self._label.size_hint = (None,None) if 'halign' in keywords: self._halign = keywords['halign'] else: self._halign = 'left' self._label._halign = 'left' if 'valign' in keywords: self._valign = keywords['valign'] else: self._valign = 'bottom' self._label._valign = 'bottom' self._label.bind(texture_size=self._callback) def _callback(self,instance=None,value=None): """Workaround to deal with parameter requirements for callbacks""" self._cache() def _cache(self,style=CACHE_ALL): """Helper method to cache data to speed drawing. This method should be overridden for specific drawing instructions.""" if style == CACHE_POS: self._label.pos=(self.x, self.y) self._scache.pos = (self.x, self.y) return self._label.size = self._label.texture_size self._label.pos = (self.x, self.y) self._label.color = self._linecolor.rgba # Resize the outside if necessary width = max(self._width,self._label.width) height = max(self._height,self._label.height) # Reset to horizontal anchor position. if self._halign == 'left': self._width = width elif self._halign == 'center': cx = self.center_x self._width = width self._x = cx-(self._width/2.0) else: right = self.right self._width = width self._x = right-self._width # Reset to vertical anchor position. if self._valign == 'top': top = self.top self._height = height self._y = top - self._height elif self._valign == 'middle': cy = self.center_y self._height = height self._y = cy - (self._height/2.0) else: self._height = height # Internal Horizontal placement if self._halign == 'left': self._label.x = self.x elif self._halign == 'center': self._label.center_x = self.center_x else: # 'ightr' self._label.right = self.right # Internal Vertical placement if self._valign == 'top': self._label.top = self.top elif self._valign == 'middle': self._label.center_y = self.center_y else: # 'bottom' self._label.y = self.y self._scache = Rectangle(pos=(self.x, self.y), size=(self.width, self.height)) def draw(self,view): """Draw this shape in the provide view. :param view: view to draw to **Precondition**: an *instance of* `GView` Ideally view should be the one provided by `Game`.""" # Invoke the cache GObject.draw(self,view) view.canvas.add(self._fillcolor) view.canvas.add(self._scache) view.canvas.add(self._label.canvas) #### APPLICATION CLASSES #### class GView(FloatLayout): """The view class for a `Game` application. You may need to access an instance of this class to draw `GObject` instances. However, you will never need to construct one. You should only use the one provided in the `view` attribute of `Game`. See class `Game` for more information.""" @property def touch(self): """Return: The current (x,y) coordinate of the mouse, if pressed. This method only returns coordinates if the mouse button is pressed. If the mouse button is not pressed it returns None. The origin (0,0) corresponds to the bottom left corner of the application window. There is currently no way to get the location of the mouse when the button is not preseed. This a limitation of Kivy.""" if self._touch is None: return None return GPoint(self._touch.x,self._touch.y) def __init__(self): """**Initializer**: creates a new GView""" FloatLayout.__init__(self) self.bind(on_touch_down=self._capture_touch) self.bind(on_touch_move=self._capture_touch) self.bind(on_touch_up=self._release_touch) self._touch = None def _capture_touch(self,view,touch): """Helper method to respond (and grap) a mouse press""" self._touch = touch #self._touch.grab(self) def _release_touch(self,view,touch): """Helper method to respond (and release) a mouse release""" self._touch = None def _redraw(self): """Helper called to refresh the screen each animation frame""" self.canvas.clear() self.canvas.add(Color(1,1,1)) self.canvas.add(Rectangle(pos=self.pos,size=self.size)) class Game(kivy.app.App): """Primary controller class for a simple game application.""" @property def width(self): """The window width **Invariant**: Immutable float.""" return self._wwidth @property def height(self): """The window height **Invariant**: Immutable float.""" return self._wheight @property def fps(self): """Target animation FPS We cannot guarantee that the FPS is achievable. Python is not super fast. We do try for 60 FPS, however. **Invariant**: Immutable float > 0.""" return self._fps @property def view(self): """The Game view. Pass this attribute to the `draw` method of a `GObject` instance to draw it. Invariant**: Immutable instance of GView.""" return self._view def __init__(self,**keywords): """**Constructor**: creates, but does not start, a new game. :param keywords: dictionary of keyword arguments **Precondition**: See below. To use the constructor for this class, you should provide it with a list of keyword arguments that initialize various attributes. The primary user defined attributes are the window width and height. For example, to create a game that fits inside of a 400x400 window, the constructor Game(width=400,height=400) The game window will not show until you start the game. To start the game, use the method `run()`.""" w = keywords['width'] if 'width' in keywords else 0.0 h = keywords['height'] if 'height' in keywords else 0.0 f = keywords['fps'] if 'fps' in keywords else 60.0 assert type(w) in [int, float], `w`+' is not a number' assert type(h) in [int, float], `h`+' is not a number' assert type(f) in [int, float], `f`+' is not a number' assert f > 0.0, `f`+' is not positive' self._wwidth = w self._wheight = h self._fps = f Config.set('graphics', 'width', str(self.width)) Config.set('graphics', 'height', str(self.height)) # Tell Kivy to build the application kivy.app.App.__init__(self,**keywords) def build(self): """Special Kivy method to initialize the graphics window""" self._view = GView() self._view.size_hint = (1,1) return self.view def _refresh(self,dt): """Called every animation frame. :param dt: time in seconds since last update **Precondition**: a number (int or float) This is a callback-proxy for method update(). It handles important issues behind the scenes.""" self.view._redraw() self.update(dt) self.draw() def run(self): """Display the game window and start the game""" self.init() Clock.schedule_interval(self._refresh,1.0/self._fps) kivy.app.App.run(self) def stop(self): """Close the game window and exit Python. You should never need to call this""" kivy.app.App.stop(self) sys.exit(0) def init(self): """Initialize the game state. This method is distinct from the built-in initializer __init__. This method is called once the game is running. You should use it to initialize any game specific attributes.""" pass def update(self,dt): """Called every animation frame. :param dt: time in seconds since last update **Precondition**: a number (int or float) This method is called 60x a second to provide on-screen animation. Think of it as the body of the loop. It is best to have fields that represent the current animation state so that you know where you are in the animation.""" pass def draw(self): pass