/** An executive: an employee with a bonus. */ public class Executive extends Employee { /** Yearly bonus */ private double bonus; /* PRINCIPLE: ALWAYS INITIALIZE THE SUPERCLASS * FIELDS FIRST. * * If a constructor does not start with a * call on another constructor, Java inserts the * call * super(); */ /** * Constructor: a person with name n, year hired d, * salary 50,000, and bonus b */ public Executive(String n, int d, double b) { super(n,d); bonus = b; } /** Yields: this executiveÕs bonus */ public double getBonus() { return bonus; } /** Yields: this executiveÕs yearly compensation */ public double getCompensation() { return super.getCompensation() + bonus; } /** Yields: a representation of this executive */ public String toString() { return super.toString() + ", bonus " + bonus; } }