SAML: Static Analysis in Standard ML

Haakon Larsen and Jeffrey Vaughan

SAML is a framework for static analysis written in Standard ML, a statically typed functional language. In its complete form, SAML is intended to provide a framework that will facilitate the formulation of analyses on a program's abstract syntax tree. It does this by providing higher order functions which apply operations across the AST.

This semester we are integrating SAML with KAT-ML theorem prover developed by Kamal Aboul-Hosn and Dexter Kozen. KAT-ML is a Standard ML based theorem prover for Kleene Algebra with Tests. Our goal is for SAML to develop a set of conjectures about an input program, which can proven by KAT-ML. For example, SAML would identify excecution paths with potential null-pointer deferences, and ask KAT-ML to show that program logic prevents these deferences from actually occuring.

This research is being conducted under the guidance of Profressor Dexter Kozen of Cornell University.

Download Haakon Larsen's SAML report.
The KAT-ML Project Page

Haakon Larsen:
Jeffrey Vaughan: