Running the stand-alone version

After downloading the program, unzip it into a single directory. Make sure all the .gif files and the eco.pgn.pack file are also in that same directory.
Make sure you also have the latest version of java. To run the main program, type:

java AIChess [opening database filename]

The opening database filename is optional and defaults to the eco.pgn that comes with the program
You can  read about how to extend the opening move database.

Then follow the instructions on gameplay from there. Gameplay is identical to the online version, but the opening move database is available.

You may also run the genetic algorithm tournaments if you wish. The syntax is:

java GeneticInterface (output file) [mutate]

output file is the text file to write tournament results to. They will also be written to the console during execution.
mutate is an optional argument. If present, the mutating algorithm will be used. Otherwise, the preserving algorithm will be used.

Sample: java GeneticInterface genetic.txt mutate

Be aware that his takes hours to completely! But you can stop it (via ctrl-c) at any time, and the results so far will be visible in the
output file. The output file contains a user-readable version of each static board evaluation function, the number of times each function
won at each iteration, and which functions were kept/mutated between each iteration.

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