

  • Image Tools
    • Format expandable diffraction Image viewer
    • Manual and automatic contrast adjustment
    • Zoom tool, with pixel values shown at high magnification

  • Analysis Tools
    • Peak Finder
    • Ring Finder
    • Beam Center Finder
    • Batch Analysis
    • HTML output files

  • Image Quality Tools
    • Neural network based analysis
    • Configurable algorithm
    • Batch Analysis
    • HTML output files
    • Real-time quality monitoring

  • GUI Features
    • Memory Management Bar
    • Image Panel
      • Image Preview pane
      • Image Analysis Configuration
      • Output table
      • Display options
    • Diffraction Panel
      • Detector Configuration
      • Real-time Monitoring
      • Directory Selection
      • Batch and real-time analysis
      • Output Table

rev. 1/21/04