boom'03 prize drawings


  • COLLECT-THE-DOTS contest
  • About 50 people participated in the COLLECT-THE-DOTS contest, which was designed to encourage people to come to BOOM'03 and to visit all the project areas.

    5 names were drawn by Computer Science Department Chair Charlie Van Loan, and $20 gift certificates were awarded to:

    Hubie Chen, Siggi Chereum, Chieh-Yin Lee, Aja Regall, and Taruna Seth

  • Participant Door Prizes
  • Every participant in BOOM'03 was entered in a drawing for 3 Participant Door Prizes. BOOM is only as good as its projects, and these prizes are meant to encourage participation by as many students as possible. After a drawing by BOOM'03 Committee Chair Kathy Carpenter, the prizes were awarded to:

    Adil Ahamed, Fawaz Allahwala, and Hubert Chao
  • CONGRATULATIONS, and thanks to all of you for helping to make BOOM'03 a success

  • This page last updated: