Student Gallery - Fall 2002
  Welcome to the Student Gallery page of the CS490 Computer Game Design project. Below you will find final projects developed by Computer Science and Fine Arts students made collaboratively in the Fall of 2002. These projects involved students in both fields working together to develop original game ideas which they then implemented by applying their particlar talents. Tasks included developing character behavior (in C++), displaying game animations on screen (using the Open Source library GameX), drawing and painting original game artwork, and adding music and sound to their games. The games were regularly critiqued with their peers and improved throughout the semester. Below the games you will find photographs from the end-of-semester exhibit in December '02 and also instructions on how to download and play these games. Click on the images below to see larger screenshots of the games. Instructors: Rama C. Hoetzlein (CS & Art), Prof. David Schwartz (CS), Prof. Todd McGrain (Fine Arts).

  Weezer and the Muffin
Team Members: Kate Palermo (Art), Zennard Sun (Computer Science), Priyanka Sengupta (Computer Science)
A muffin-hungry dog named Weezer must smash muffins with a rolling pin or douse them with milk before they get too close.

  Jobo the Hobo
Team Members: AJ Fink (Computer Science), John Westendorf (Computer Science), Ryan Pijai (Computer Science), Paula Tsai (Art)
A street performer does various tricks to gain the attention and money of passer-bys. Other characters watch on, teach you new tricks, or rob you of your money.

  Wheel Game
Team Members: Ico (Art), Simon Leet (Computer Science)
As your creature runs left and right, you spin the wheel to match colors in thisTetris-like puzzle

  Stormcloud's Revenge
Team Members: Liz Xu (Computer Science), Pet-chean Ang (Computer Science), Jackie Stluka (Art)
Avoid the lightning, fire and wind by carefully moving your house from place to place.

  Ship RPG & POD
Team Members: Justin Melendez (Bio), Nikita Pavlov (Computer Science)
Done as a scrolling and single-pane game, defend your ship by firing on others. Try and a force other ships into destruction zones by firing on them with repeling photons.



  Castle Game
Team Members: Sarah Chung (Computer Science), Jennifer Leary (Art)
An oddly walking boy moves through haunted worlds trying to avoid being frightened and defending himself by frightening back.

Team Members: Jackie Bodine (Computer Science), Brad Albright (Fine Art), Tony Novak (Computer Science)
Navigate the sperm to the egg collecting gene points for various attributes such as health, beauty and intelligence. Your outcome as a character is determined by how you play.

Team Members: Eli Brown (Computer Science)
Prototype for a game involving a bird that flies over a 3D scrolling landscape (depth accomplished using changes in scale of 2D sprites)

  Alien Game
Team Members Brandon Irizzary (Computer Science), GiGi Lee (Art), Sung-hye Kim (Art)
Prototype for a game in which pink and purple characters engage in a narrative journey together through worlds of mountains, streams, and forests.

Team Members:
Prototype engine for a real-time role playing game called 'Heaven and Hell'. This team abandoned GameX (2D) and worked to develop a 3D Graphics Engine using OpenGL which could load, render and animate articulated 3D models.
Final Exhibit Photographs

Below you will find photos of the final exhibit (Dec, 2002) in which students demonstrated their games to the public and gave them an opportunity to play their games.

  A two-person game of Jobo The Hobo being demonstrated as its creators John Westendorf, Ryan Pyjai and AJ Fink look on.  
  Pet-chean looks on while Eli Brown (Bird game) plays his game Stormcloud's Revenge.  
  Zennard Sun explains the concept behind the Weezer and the Muffin, created by Kate Palermo, Zennard Sun and Priyanka Sengupta.  
  Brandon Irizzary (Alien game) and a visitor play the Wheel Game created by Ico and Simon Leet  

  How to Download and Play the Student Games Above  
  To download and play these games, follow these instructions:
  1) Click on the download button for one of the games above.
2) Choose "Run the program from its current location..." to start the download.
  3) When the download is complete, the install program will decompress and you will be asked to select an install location for the game. (If you are unsure where you want to install the game, just select your Desktop as the folder to install the game to).
4) These games only work under 16-bit screen mode. To make sure you are in 16-bit mode, right click on a blank area of your Desktop and select Properties. Then select the Settings tab from the
" Display Properties" window that appears.
  5) Choose "Colors: High Color (16 bit)" from the display settings panel and select Ok. You are now ready to start the game.
  6) Goto the folder where you installed the game from Step 3. (It may be on your Desktop)
7) Open the game folder. There you will find a README.txt for instructions and the game exe which you can double-click on to start the game!