Title of Project:
Animal Quest

Brandon Irizarry
Nikita Pavlov

Abstract: This our Spring '03 Game 490 Project. A natural question that should arise in the contex of a computer game design course is, "How does one, step by step, construct a prototypical computer game?" Our goal is to get at the heart of what canonical, readily intuitive, or reality-inspired algorithms and object-oriented techniques constitute a prototypical video game. In other words, the design process is an attempt to weed out ad hoc approaches ("hacks") to game software design.

Secondly, our goal is to include a variety of puzzles in the game, combining the action/adventure genre with the puzzle solving genre.

Our game uses the GameX game engine.

Future plans: Since this game is our current-semester project, it is not yet fully complete. For example, we wish to more fully develop the existing puzzles, add more maps, add more kinds of enemies, and implement enemy AI.