CS 514 Distributed Systems Fall 1998 Ken Birman

The project Max Feingold, Yevgeniy Rozenfeld and myself did is called Palantir:

The program allows one to view windows open on a different computer. We implemented the system as a client/server application. Both client and server are implemented in the same Windows executable. The program puts itself into the system tray and provides a convenient MFC interface for opening client connections, sharing out server windows, changing communication and program settings, etc. Upon startup, the program initializes a server that listens on a known port for client connections.

Possible applications of this technology may include:

  • Lab administrators monitoring desktop windows on many computers from a single workstation.
  • Corporations monitoring their employees' desktop activities.
  • Professors demonstrating the use of a particular program to students across the network.
  • Communication with shared images between graphics designers.
  • Graphics-based talk applications.

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You can dowload the most recent version here.

Last modified on 12/3/98 10:49:59PM.