1998 - 1999 CS Annual Report                                                                  Faculty
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William Y. Arms


D.Phil University of Sussex,

My research interests concentrate on digital libraries and electronic publishing. These fields integrate methods from many disciplines, so that the work ranges from technical topics, such as distributed computing  and information representation, to the economic and social aspects change. 

This year has seen great progress in reference linking, the
generalization of citations and hyperlinks to references among digital works. A general framework has been developed and is being applied to several large sources of information. We plan to use these results to analyze changes in use patterns of scientific literature. This follows a long-standing interest in quantitative research into information systems. With support from DARPA, we have created a test suite for digital libraries research, to develop systematic metrics and replicable research results. 

Several people in the department are involved in the changes in computer science publication as online material replace printed journals as the primary means of creating, storing, and distributing research information. I chair the ACM publications board, Joe Halpern has led the creation of the CoRReprint repository for computer science, and Carl Lagoze heads the Networked Computer Science Research Library (NCSTRL).

Professional Activities

  • Chair: Publications  Board, Association for Computing Machinery. 
  • Chair: National Science Foundation workshop on a National Digital Library for Undergraduate Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Technology Education. 
  • Program committee: ACM Digital Libraries '99 conference  
  • Series editor: MIT Press series on Digital Libraries and Electronic Publishing. 
  • Editor-in-chief: D-Lib Magazine 


"The D-Lib Test Suite: testbeds for digital libraries research." D-Lib Magazine, February 1999 5(2).