1998 - 1999 CS Annual Report                                                                  Faculty
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Editorial Activities of the Faculty

ACM Computing Surveys (Schneider, Editor) 

ACM Publications Board (Halpern) 

ACM Transactions on Computing Systems (Birman, Editor-in-Chief) 

ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (Zippel, Editorial Board) 

ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems  (Morrisett, Associate Editorial) 

Acta Informatica (Gries, Main Editor) 

Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence (Selman, Guest Editor) 

Annals of Software Engineering (Schneider, Editor) 

Applied Mathematics Letters (Coleman, Editorial Board) 

Artificial Intelligence Journal (Halpern, Editorial Board) 

Chicago Journal of Theoretical Computer Science (Hartmanis, Tardos, Editors; Halpern, Consulting Editor) 

Combinatorica (Tardos, Editor) 

Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis (Coleman, Editorial Board) 

Computational Optimization and Applications (Coleman, Editorial Board) 

Computer Aided Design Journal (Greenberg, Editorial Board) 

Computer Communications (Keshav, Special Issue Editor) 

Computer Graphics Journal (Greenberg, Editorial Board) 

Constraints: An International Journal (Selman, Editorial Board) 

Distributed Computing (Schneider, Editor-in-Chief) 

EATCS Monographs in Theoretical Computer Science (Hartmanis, Advisory Board) 

Formal Methods in System Decision (Constable, Editorial Board) 

High Integrity Systems (Schneider, Editor) 

IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (Keshav, Editor) 

IEEE Transactions on Distributed and Parallel Systems (van Renesse, Associate Editor) 

IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (Schneider, Editor) 

Information and Computation (Halpern, Editorial Board) 

Information Processing Letters (Gries, Managing Editor; Schneider, Editor) 

International Journal of Parallel Programming (Pingali, Editorial Board) 

Journal of the ACM (Halpern, Editor-in-Chief) 

Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (Selman, Editor) 

Journal of Computer and System Sciences (Hartmanis, Editor; Rubinfeld, Special Issue Co-Editor) 

Journal of Global Optimization (Vavasis, Editor) 

Journal of High Speed Networking (Keshav, Editor) 

Journal of Functional Programming (Morrisett, Editor)

Journal of Interconnection Networks (Tardos, Editor) 

Journal of Logic and Computation (Constable, Halpern, Editorial Board) 

Journal of Scheduling (Shmoys, Associate Editor) 

Journal of Symbolic Computation (Constable, Zippel, Editorial Board) 

Machine Learning Journal on Natural Language Learning (Cardie, Special Issue Editor) 

Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computing (Coleman, Editorial Board) 

Mathematical Programming A (Shmoys, Tardos, Associate Editors) 

Mathematics of Operations Research (Shmoys, Associate Editor; Tardos, Area Editor) 

SIAM (Coleman, Editorial Advisory Board) 

SIAM Journal on Computing (Hartmanis, Tardos, Shmoys, Editors) 

SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics (Shmoys, Editor-in-Chief) 

SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis Applications (Vavasis, Editor) 

SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (Coleman, Editorial Board) 

SIAM Review (Vavasis, Editor) 

Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Hartmanis, Editor)