Faculty Personnel Changes

New Faculty for Fall 1997

Lillian Lee of Harvard University, who works in natural languages, joins the faculty as an assistant professor.
Bart Selman joins the department as an Associate Professor, after seven years as a research scientist at AT&T Laboratories. His research interests include artificial intelligence and experimental computer science.

Faculty Departures

Nick Trefethen has accepted a position as Professor of Numerical Analysis at Oxford University.
Nick & family at farewell gathering
Nick & family at farewell gathering
Bruce Donald has accepted a tenured position at Dartmouth


Stephen Vavasis returns from a year sabbatical, and David Gries returns from a semester sabbatical. Jon Kleinberg joins us after a one-year leave. Juris Hartmanis continues his leave from Cornell to serve as Deputy Director of the Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering at the National Science Foundation.
Tim Teitelbaum plans a full year Sabbatical for 1997-1998.

This site was last modified on 06/22/99.