Educational Statistics

Courses Students Credit Hours
Fall 96 38 2115 7640
Spring 97 43 2654 9003
Total 81 4769 16,643

Degrees Conferred

These are the degrees conferred during the 1996–1997 academic year.

120 Bachelor Degrees
31 Bachelor of Arts
89 Bachelor of Science
12 Master of Science Degrees
78 Master of Engineering Degrees
9 Doctoral Degrees
259 Total Doctoral Degrees awarded by the department to date

Fellowships Awarded

Fellowships held by students during the 1996–1997 academic year include:

Outside Fellowships Cornell Fellowships
1- CNPq/Brazil 1 - McMullen
1 - GTE 2 - Olin
1 - NPSC
6 - NSF


This site was last modified on 06/22/99.