
CIS Courses Offered in 2003–04
CIS 130 Introductory Web Programming (also COM S 130)
CIS 191 Media Arts Studio I (also ART 391, THETR 391)
CIS 230 Intermediate Web Design (also COM S 230)
CIS 330 Applied Database Systems (also COM S 330)
CIS 387 The Automatic Lifestyle: Consumer Culture and Technology (also ST&S 387)
CIS 401 Introduction to Applied Scientific Computing with MATLAB
CIS 402 Scientific Visualization with MATLAB
CIS 403 Development of Scientific Computing Programs
CIS 404 Survey and Use of Software Libraries for Scientific Computing
CIS 409 Data Structures and Algorithms for Computational Science
CIS 430 Information Discovery (also COM S 430)
CIS 431 Web Information Systems (also COM S 431, formerly CIS/COM S 502)
CIS 490 Independent Reading and Research
CIS 515 Culture, Law, and Politics of the Internet
CIS 518 Computer Animation (also ART 372)
CIS 630 Representing and Accessing Digital Information (also COM S 630)

CS Courses Offered in 2003–04
COM S 099 Fundamental Programming Concepts
COM S 100j Introduction to Computer Programming
COM S 100m Introduction to Computer Programming
COM S 101 Introduction to Cognitive Science
COM S 113 Introduction to C
COM S 114 UNIX Tools
COM S 130 Web Design and Programming
COM S 165 Computing in the Arts
COM S 167 Visual Imaging in the Electronic Age
COM S 172 Computation, Information, and Intelligence
COM S 201 Cognitive Science in Context Laboratory
COM S 211 Computers and Programming
COM S 212 Java Practicum
COM S 213 C++ Programming
COM S 214 Advanced UNIX Programming and Tools
COM S 215 Introduction to C#
COM S 230 Intermediate Web Design
COM S 280 Discrete Structures
COM S 312 Data Structures and Functional Programming
COM S 314 Computer Organization
COM S 321 Numerical Methods in Computational Molecular Biology
COM S 322 Introduction to Scientific Computation
COM S 324 Computational Linguistics
COM S 330 Applied Database Systems
COM S 381 Introduction to Theory of Computing
COM S 400 Science of Programming
COM S 401 Applied Scientific Computing with MATLAB
COM S 402 Scientific Visualization with MATLAB
COM S 411 Programming Languages and Logics
COM S 412 Introduction to Compilers
COM S 413 Practicum in Compilers
COM S 414 Systems Programming and Operating Systems
COM S 415 Practicum in Operating Systems
COM S 421 Numerical Analysis
COM S 426 Introduction to Computational Biology
COM S 427 Practicum in Computational Biology
COM S 428 Intro to Computational Biology
COM S 430 Information Discovery
COM S 431 Web Information Systems
COM S 432 Introduction to Database Systems
COM S 433 Practicum in Database Systems
COM S 465 Computer Graphics I
COM S 467 Computer Graphics II
COM S 468 Computer Graphics Practicum
COM S 472 Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
COM S 473 Practicum in Artificial Intelligence
COM S 474 Introduction to Natural Language Processing
COM S 478 Machine Learning
COM S 480 Introduction to Cryptology
COM S 481 Introduction to Theory of Computing
COM S 482 Introduction to Analysis of Algorithms
COM S 483 Quantum Information Processing
COM S 486 Applied Logic (also MATH 486)
COM S 501 Software Engineering
COM S 504 Applied Systems Engineering
COM S 505 Applied Systems Engineering II
COM S 513 System Security
COM S 514 Intermediate Computer Systems
COM S 519 Computer Networks
COM S 522 Computational Tools and Methods for Finance
COM S 565 Computer Animation
COM S 572 Heuristic Methods for Optimization
COM S 576 Decision Theory I
COM S 577 Decision Theory II
COM S 578 Empirical Methods in Machine Learning and Data Mining
COM S 611 Advanced Programming Languages
COM S 612 Compiler Design for High-Performance Architectures
COM S 614 Advanced Systems
COM S 615 Peer-to-Peer Systems
COM S 621 Matrix Computations
COM S 622 Numerical Optimization and Nonlinear Algebraic Equations
COM S 624 Numerical Solution of Differential Equations
COM S 626 Computational Molecular Biology
COM S 627 Computational Biology: The Machine Learning Approach
COM S 630 Representing and Accessing Digital Inform
COM S 632 Advanced Database Systems
COM S 664 Machine Vision
COM S 665 Advanced Rendering
COM S 667 Physically Based Rendering
COM S 671 Introduction to Automated Reasoning
COM S 672 Advanced Artificial Intelligence
COM S 674 Natural Language Processing
COM S 676 Reasoning About Knowledge
COM S 677 Reasoning About Uncertainty
COM S 678 Advanced Topics in Machine Learning
COM S 681 Analysis of Algorithms
COM S 682 Theory of Computing
COM S 683 Advanced Design and Analysis of Algorithms
COM S 684 Algorithmic Game Theory
COM S 686 Logics of Programs
COM S 709 Department Colloquium
COM S 711 Seminar in Advanced Programming Languages
COM S 715 Seminar on PRL
COM S 717 Programming for Fault Tolerance
COM S 718 Topics in Computer Graphics
COM S 721 Topics in Numerical Analysis
COM S 726 Problems and Perspectives in Computational Molecular Biology
COM S 732 Seminar in Database Systems
COM S 750 Evolutionary Computation and Design Automation
COM S 751 Media Research and Critical Design
COM S 754 Systems Seminar
COM S 772 Seminar in Artificial Intelligence
COM S 775 Seminar on Natural Language Understanding
COM S 778 Topics in Machine Learning
COM S 786 Introduction to Kleene Algebra
COM S 789 Seminar in Theory of Algorithms and Computing

CS Undergraduate, Eugene Lee, Places First in Intel Student Research Contest

CS Professor Kavita Bala with CS undergraduate Eugene Lee

Eugene Lee won first place in the Intel Student Research Contest, which took place in Santa Clara, California, for his project,“Hardware Acceleration of the Edge-and-point System for Interactive Rendering”. The Intel Student Research Contest was created to“stimulate inventiveness by challenging students in the sciences and engineering disciplines to explore frontiers of future computing”.

Eugene worked with CS Professor Kavita Bala and her research group on a hardware-acceleration implementation of an interactive, high-quality rendering system—the edge-and-point rendering system.

The results of Bala’s research on the edge-and-point rendering system co-authored with Bruce Walter and Program of Computer Graphics Director Donald Greenberg appeared at the ACM SIGGRAPH 2003
Conference. Computing realistic shading that captures the complex lighting of the real world is extremely expensive and therefore is traditionally associated with slow, offline applications. The edge-and-point rendering system makes it possible to achieve this high-quality rendering at interactive rates. The key insight is that the human visual
system is sensitive to sharp changes in shading; this insight enables efficient rendering and display.

Lee’s research uses the graphics processor on a desktop computer to implement the edge-and-point rendering system on modern graphics processors. This hybrid rendering system implements key edge respecting image-reconstruction kernels on the graphics processor.

Lee is a native of Los Angeles, and an accomplished photographer. He interned with Microsoft in both Korea and Washington, and intends to work for Microsoft after graduation.