New Faculty

Paul Francis
Assistant Professor, CS

Paul Francis received his Ph.D. from the University College London (UCL) in 1994. Dr. Francis is one of the industry’s foremost scientists in large-scale routing and addressing and internetworking. He has fifteen years of research experience in network routing and addressing, large-scale self-configuring networks, and distributed peer-to-peer search.

Francis has done research at MITRE Corporation, Bellcore, NIT Software Labs, and ACIRI (now ICIR), and was chief scientist at two startups, FastFoward Networks and Tahoe Networks. Dr. Francis’ innovations include NAT (Network Address Translation), multicast shared trees (used in PIMSM and CBT), shortcut routing, and landmark routing. He is also the originator of two key IPv6 concepts: the unique host identifier (from Pip) and the use of multiple addresses for multihomed sites.

Dr. Francis’ research interests looking forward are in the areas of peer-to-peer applications, overlay networks, network host proximity, Internet scaling, and IP mobility.

Dr. Francis has chaired two IETF working groups, and has published numerous RFCs, U.S. and international patents, and research papers.

“IPNL: A NAT–Extended Internet Architecture”. SIGCOMM 2001 (August, 2001). San Diego. (With R. Gummadi) “Extending the IP Internet Through Address Reuse”, ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communications Review 23(1): 16–33. (As Paul Tsuchiya, with T. Eng)
“The Landmark Hierarchy: A New Hierarchy for Routing in Very Large Networks”, Proceedings SIGCOMM 88 Conference, Stanford, California (August, 1988). (As Paul Tsuchiya)

Uri Keich
Assistant Professor, CS

Uri Keich received his Ph.D. in mathematics from the Courant Institute in New York City in 1996, and his M.Sc. in mathematics from Technion in Israel in 1991.

Before coming to CS at Cornell, he was a project scientist at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the University of California, San Diego, and assistant professor at the Department of Mathematics of the University of California, Riverside, until 2000. He was also a Von Karman Instructor at the Applied Mathematics Department of the California Institute of Technology.

Keich’s research interests include statistical and algorithmic problems that arise in areas of bioinformatics such as motif finding, seed design for similarity search, sequence assembly, and mass spectrometry.

“Designing Seeds for Similarity Search in Genomic DNA”. Proceedings of the Seventh Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB-2003) (April 2003). Berlin, Germany. (With J. Buhler and Y. Sun)
“Genome-Wide Analysis of Bacterial Promoter Regions”. Proceedings of the Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB-2003) (January, 2003).
Kaua’i, Hawaii. (With E. Eskin, M. Gelfand, and P. Pevzner)“Finding Motifs in the Twilight Zone”, Proceedings of the Sixth Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB 2002) (April 2002). Washington, D.C. ACM Press. (With P. Pevzner)