Package polyglot.ext.param.types

Type objects for the param extension.


Interface Summary
InstType A parameterized type instantiated on actual arguments.
Param Interface tagging any type-system object that can be used as a parameter to a parameterized type.
ParamTypeSystem Type system for parameterized types.
PClass Parameterized class.
Subst Utility class that performs substitutions on type objects.
SubstType A type on which substitutions have been applied.

Class Summary
MuPClass_c A base implementation for mutable parametric classes.
ParamTypeSystem_c Implementation of type system for parameterized types.
PClass_c A base implementation for parametric classes.
Subst_c Utility class that performs substitutions on type objects using a map.
SubstClassType_c Implementation of a ClassType that performs substitutions using a map.

Package polyglot.ext.param.types Description

Type objects for the param extension.