External Users

External users to CMSX can be added using CMSX Users page, available from the linkbar at the top:


(Only CMSX Admins and Domain Subadmins will be able to see this link.)

Once you are at the page, you will be able to see the list of users for a selected domain. If you are a full CMSX Admin, you will able to select between the existing domains, otherwise domain subadmins can only see their own default domain.


External domain prefix must be 2-4 characters. The “Cornell” domain, the default domain for all regular Cornell users, will not be visible on this page.

Creating and Editing Users

At the bottom of that page is the option to add or modify users using a CSV upload.


For CMSX Admins, the effective domain is controlled by the drop-down at the top. Again, for domain subadmins, only their own default domain is editable. You will also be able to download a template CSV file to use for the upload. The template contains all the necessary columns (including proper column headers) required for an upload file, and it is recommended that you use it. 

Necessary columns:

  • UserID – The ID of the user you want to add or modify. These need to be unique, and you will be notified during the upload process if they are not. A domain prefix will also be added to the front of each ID during creation, and there is a maximum length requirement (20 characters including the prefix) that must be met; you will also be notified of any character violations during the upload.
  • FirstName – First name of user. Editable after creation if necessary. 
  • LastName – Last name of user. Editable after creation if necessary.
  • Email – Email address of the user. There is no data validation for proper email addresses, so please check these carefully. Editable after creation if necessary. 
  • IsDomainSubAdmin – Whether or not the user is a subadmin for the domain. True/False or Yes/No, only. Editable after creation if necessary. 
  • Action – the requested action for the line. 
    • ADD – this action will add the user with the supplied information. All columns must contain information. The user will be sent a welcome email which includes their initial temporary password, which they will need to reset to a new password of their choosing at first login.
    • DELETE – this action will delete the user with the given UserID. A user can only be deleted if they have not been added to any courses. If the user has already been added to a course, you can only DEACTIVATE them. Only the UserID column needs to have information for this action.
    • DEACTIVATE – this action will deactivate the user, and not allow any more logins for that user. Only the UserID column needs to have information for this action. 
    • MODIFY – this action will modify information for the user with the given UserID. FirstName, LastName, Email, and IsDomainSubAdmin are editable. Please only include info for the columns you want to change. Any blank columns will be left as is.
    • RESET PW – this will reset a user’s password to a randomly generated one, and email it to them. They will be able to change the password to a new password of their next login. Used in case of forgotten passwords, or to reactivate a deactivated account.

  1. Once you have created an upload file containing all the changes you want to make, choose and upload the file.

  2. Once the file is uploaded, the system will parse the file and take you to the confirmation page.
  3. ParsedData

    Here you will be shown a list of all the lines parsed from the csv file. It will also alert you of any errors that may be present in the action you are trying to commit; e.g. if a user with the given UserID does not exist, or if a userID you are trying to create is not valid, etc. You can de-select any lines you do not wish to commit (any lines with errors will automatically be de-selected). If there are mistakes that you wish to fix, check the line, and then you will able to edit the fields in it. (Please note there will be no further data validation of any changes you make on this page, so please make sure they are correct.)
    Once you have made all the changes and properly selected all the lines you want to commit, click “Commit Changes”.

  4. Once you commit changes, you will be re-directed to the first CMSXX Users page where you will see a list of all the changes and errors that may have occurred from the commit:

External User Login

  1. When the user first gets to the CMSX homepage, they will see 3 login options:

  2. CMSXLogin

    External users should select the third option," External Login for non-Cornell users".

  3. They will then be taken to the login page:

  4. ExternalLogin

    Here they should select their proper domain, and enter in their username and password. When users are first created, they will be sent a welcome email with a direct link that should bring them directly to this page, with their proper domain already selected.

  5. Current users will be then sent to the CMSX Overview page; first time users will be prompted to change their password:

  6. ChangePassword

    Passwords need to be at least 8 characters long. Users will be notified if the entered pw does not meet the criteria. Once they submit a successful password, they will also be redirected to the CMSX Overview page.