
Sequence Tagging with Structural Support Vector Machines

Version V3.03
21. April 2008

Author: Thorsten Joachims <>
Cornell University
Department of Computer Science  

with thanks to Evan Herbst for earlier versions.


SVMhmm is an implementation of structural SVMs for sequence tagging [Altun et. al, 2003] (e.g. part-of-speech tagging, named-entity recognition, motif finding) using the training algorithm described in [Tsochantaridis et al. 2004, Tsochantaridis et al. 2005] and the new algorithm of SVMstruct V3.00 [Joachims et al. 2007]. Unlike previous versions of SVMhmm, this version

SVMhmmm is implemented as a specialization of the SVMstruct package. SVMhmm discriminatively trains models that are isomorphic to an kth-order hidden Markov model using the Structural Support Vector Machine (SVM) formulation. In particular, given an observed input sequence x=(x1...xl) of feature vectors x1...xl, the model predicts a tag sequence y=(y1...yl) according to the following linear discriminant function

        y = argmaxy i = 1..lj = 1..k (xiwyi-j...yi) + φtrans(yi-j,...,yi) • wtrans]}.

The SVMhmm learns one emission weight vector wyi-k...yi for each different kth-order tag sequence yi-k...yi and one transition weight vector wtrans for the transition weights between adjacent tags. φtrans(yi-j,...,yi) is an indicator vector that has exactly one entry set to 1 corresponding to the sequence yi-j,...,yi. Note that in contrast to a conventional HMM, the observations x1...xl can naturally be expressed as feature vectors, not just as atomic tokens. Also note that a kth-order model includes all the parameters of the lower-order models as well. During training, SVMhmm solves the following optimization problem given training examples (x1,y1) ... (xn,yn) of sequences of feature vectors with their correct tag sequences. The following optimization problem corresponds to first-order models, but it should be obvious how it generalizes to higher order models given the discriminant function from above. As the loss function Δ(yi,y), the number of misclassified tags in the sentence is used.

        min w*w + C/n Σi = 1..n ξi
         s.t. for all y: [Σi = 1..l(x1iwy1i) + φtrans(y1i-1,y1i) • wtrans] >= [Σi = 1..l(x1iwyi) + φtrans(yi-1,yi) • wtrans] + Δ(y1,y) - ξ1
for all y: [Σi = 1..l(xniwyni) + φtrans(yni-1,yni) • wtrans] >= [Σi = 1..l(xniwyi) + φtrans(yi-1,yi) • wtrans] + Δ(yn,y) - ξn

C is a parameter that trades off margin size and training error. While this problem has exponentially many constraints, we use the cutting-plane algorithms  implemented in SVMstruct to solve this problem up to a precision of ε in polynomial time [Tsochantaridis et al. 2004, Tsochantaridis et al. 2005]. In particular, we use the one-slack formulation of the training problems introduced in SVMstruct V3.00 [Joachims et al. 2007], which makes this version of SVMhmm substantially faster than previous versions.

More information on SVMstruct is available here.

Source Code and Binaries

The source code of SVMhmm is available at the following location:

If you just want the binaries, you can download them for the following systems:

Please send me email and let me know that you got it. All archives contain the most recent version of SVMhmm, which includes SVMstruct and the SVMlight quadratic optimizer. Unpack the archive using the respective shell command:

      gunzip –c svm_hmm.tar.gz | tar xvf –
      gunzip –c svm_hmm_linux.tar.gz | tar xvf –
      gunzip –c svm_hmm_cygwin.tar.gz | tar xvf –
This expands the archive into the current directory, which now contains all relevant files. If you downloaded the source code, you can compile SVMhmm using the command:
This will produce the executables svm_hmm_learn (the learning module) and svm_hmm_classify (the classification module). For any questions about how to best compile the system, check this

How to Use

SVMhmm is built on top of SVMstruct, a general implementation of SVMs for predicting complex structures containing interactions between elements. The site includes examples of its use for other applications as well as for sequence tagging. Use SVMhmm just like SVMstruct, but there are some added parameters explained below. To learn a model and then classify a test set, run
      svm_hmm_learn -c <C> -e <EPSILON> training_input.dat modelfile.dat 
      svm_hmm_classify test_input.dat modelfile.dat classify.tags 

Input File Format

NOTE: The file format has changed from version V2.xx. A perl script for converting to the new format is available.

Input files of training and test examples follow the usual SVMlight input file format. Each line in an example file holds one tag, the feature vector of the associated token, and an optional comment.

      TAG qid:EXNUM FEATNUM:FEATVAL FEATNUM:FEATVAL ... #comment goes here

TAG is a natural number (i.e. 1..k) identify the tag that is assigned to the example. As the maximum tag number impacts the memory use, it is recommended to use the numbers 1 to k for a problem with k tags. The EXNUM gives the example number. The first line with a given EXNUM value is interpreted as the first element of the sequence, the second line as the second element, etc. All lines with the same EXNUM have to be in consecutive order. In the case of POS tagging, an example file with two sequences may look like the following (using the following mapping between tag numbers and part-of-speech classes: 1=PRON, 2=NOUN, 3=VERB, 4=JJ, 5=PERIOD):
      1 qid:1 1:1 2:1 3:1 #see 

2 qid:1 4:1 5:1 #jane
3 qid:1 2:-1 6:1 7:2.5 #play
3 qid:1 3:-1 8:1 #ball
2 qid:1 9:1 10:1 #.
1 qid:2 3:1 11:1 12:1 #she
3 qid:2 1:-1 13:1 14:2 #is
4 qid:2 15:1 16:0.1 17:-1 #good
5 qid:2 9:0.5 18:1 #.
Here we've used the words in the sentence as the comments on each line, so that all the information we have about the input is contained in one file. Note that feature numbers are integral, starting at 1. Feature values are real numbers. Features for each token (eg "see") must appear in increasing order of their feature number FEATNUM; you should skip features whose values are zero, although leaving them in won't do harm other than increasing runtime.

Example Problem

You will find an example POS tagging dataset (thanks to Evan Herbst) at

Download this file into your svm_hmm directory and unpack it with

     gunzip -c example7.tar.gz | tar xvf -

This will create a subdirectory example7. Try the following:

     ./svm_hmm_learn -c 5 -e 0.5 example7/declaration_of_independence.dat declaration.model 
./svm_hmm_classify example7/gettysburg_address.dat declaration.model test.outtags
The fraction of misclassified tags (i.e. "average loss per word" written to stdout by the classification routine) should be about 0.28. Tagging accuracy is 1 - this number, or 72%. The program also prints the average number of misclassified tags per sentence (i.e. "Average loss on test set") and the percentage of sentences that had at least one misclassified tag (i.e. "Zero/one-error on test set").

Disclaimer: this example wasn't tagged with professional accuracy; don't use it for any real experiments. The Gettysburg tagging is based off the document at, which was tagged with Schmid's tagger--but TreeTagger had probably been trained on a real corpus first.

Known Problems

  • none at this time.


V3.02 - V3.03

V2.13 - V3.02

V1.01 - V2.13

V1.00 - 1.01
