In file client.h:

class XxxRequestThread : public XxxBaseThread

One such thread operates for each client


Public Methods

XxxErrCode AttachXact (XxxShoreXact *Xact)
Associates this thread with the given transaction
XxxErrCode DetachXact (XxxShoreXact *Xact)
Deassociates this thread with the associated transaction

Protected Methods

XxxErrCode processErrors (const char *Message)
If there is a pending server error, this function writes it out on the client's error stream using the appropriate protocol

Inherited from XxxBaseThread:


One such thread operates for each client
XxxErrCode processErrors(const char *Message)
If there is a pending server error, this function writes it out on the client's error stream using the appropriate protocol

XxxErrCode AttachXact(XxxShoreXact *Xact)
Associates this thread with the given transaction
Xact - The transaction currently being processed by the XxxRequestThread with which this thread is associated

XxxErrCode DetachXact(XxxShoreXact *Xact)
Deassociates this thread with the associated transaction
Xact - The transaction currently being processed by the XxxRequestThread with which this thread is associated

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling