In file genadt.h:

class XxxLargeVarADT : public XxxLargeADT

Large (stored outside record) variable size ADT


Inherited from XxxLargeADT:

Public Classes

class XxxLargeADTEnv: public XxxADTEnv
enum XxxLargeADTDisplayTypeEnum
Determines the display type
typedef enum XxxLargeADTDisplayTypeEnum XxxLargeADTDisplayType
A typedef for easy reference
static const char* const DISPLAY_TYPE
The command referencing the next variable
XxxLargeADTDisplayType DisplayType
The desired display type
XxxShoreVolumeId StorageVolume
The volume on which the large ADTs store information
XxxShoreObjectId StorageFile
A file on the default volume which is persistent
XxxShoreObjectId TemporaryFile
A file on the default volume which is cleared after all Xacts end

Public Methods

virtual XxxErrCode CreateEnv( XxxADTEnv* &Env )
virtual XxxErrCode DeleteEnv( XxxADTEnv* Env )
virtual XxxErrCode GetResultSize(const XxxADTValue *ObjectRef, const XxxADTMetaInfo *MetaInfo, const char *Message, const int MessageSize, int &ResultSize)
virtual XxxBool IsSmall(const XxxADTMetaInfo*)
virtual XxxErrCode ServiceCallback(const XxxADTValue *ObjectRef, const XxxADTMetaInfo *MetaInfo, const char *Message, const int MessageSize, ostream &OStr)
virtual XxxBool SupportsCallback()


Large (stored outside record) variable size ADT

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling