In file genfunc.h:

class XxxGenFuncADTClass : public XxxCoreADTClass

// This dummy class is the owner of all function calls that are not // methods of some specific class


Protected Methods

void registerMethods ()
/ helper method used by constructor
XxxErrCode execMatches (XxxValueEnv* Env, XxxADTValue *ReturnValue)
execute matches()
XxxErrCode execJMatches (XxxValueEnv* Env, XxxADTValue *ReturnValue)
execute jmatches (implemented in Java)
XxxErrCode execIntPlus (XxxValueEnv* Env, XxxADTValue *ReturnValue)
execute intplus()
XxxErrCode execMod (XxxValueEnv* Env, XxxADTValue *ReturnValue)
execute mod()
XxxErrCode execTestFunc (XxxValueEnv* Env, XxxADTValue *ReturnValue)
execute testfunc()
void registerRules ()
/ helper method used by constructor

Inherited from XxxCoreADTClass:

Public Classes

class BasicStats: public XxxADTClass::TypeStats

Public Methods

virtual XxxBool CanCastFrom(XxxBasicType SourceType, const XxxADTMetaInfo* SourceMetaInfo, const XxxADTMetaInfo* TargetMetaInfo)
virtual XxxBool CanCastTo(XxxBasicType TargetType, const XxxADTMetaInfo* SourceMetaInfo, const XxxADTMetaInfo* TargetMetaInfo)
virtual XxxErrCode CastFrom(XxxBasicType SourceType, const XxxADTMetaInfo* SourceMetaInfo, const XxxADTMetaInfo* TargetMetaInfo, XxxADTValue* OldObject, XxxADTValue* NewObject)
virtual XxxErrCode CastTo(XxxBasicType TargetType, const XxxADTMetaInfo* SourceMetaInfo, const XxxADTMetaInfo* TargetMetaInfo, XxxADTValue* OldObject, XxxADTValue* NewObject)
virtual XxxErrCode CopyHToN(const XxxADTValue* SrcObject, XxxADTValue *ResultObject, const XxxADTMetaInfo* MetaInfo)
virtual XxxErrCode CopyNToH(const XxxADTValue* SrcObject, XxxADTValue *ResultObject, const XxxADTMetaInfo* MetaInfo)
virtual XxxErrCode DefaultVal(XxxADTValue* Object, const XxxADTMetaInfo* MetaInfo)
static inline XxxBool IsCoreADT(XxxBasicType TypeId)
static inline XxxBool SEquals(XxxBasicType TypeId, const XxxADTValue* Obj1, const XxxADTMetaInfo* MI1, const XxxADTValue* Obj2, const XxxADTMetaInfo* MI2)
static inline int ValueOffset(XxxBasicType TypeId)


This dummy class is the owner of all function calls that are not methods of some specific class. It is also the owner of all // expressions that span classes.
void registerMethods()
/ helper method used by constructor

XxxErrCode execMatches(XxxValueEnv* Env, XxxADTValue *ReturnValue)
execute matches()

XxxErrCode execJMatches(XxxValueEnv* Env, XxxADTValue *ReturnValue)
execute jmatches (implemented in Java)

XxxErrCode execIntPlus(XxxValueEnv* Env, XxxADTValue *ReturnValue)
execute intplus()

XxxErrCode execMod(XxxValueEnv* Env, XxxADTValue *ReturnValue)
execute mod()

XxxErrCode execTestFunc(XxxValueEnv* Env, XxxADTValue *ReturnValue)
execute testfunc()

void registerRules()
/ helper method used by constructor

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling