In file box.h:

class XxxBoxADT : public XxxSmallFixedADT

XxxBoxADT: Basic ADT for handling any generic rectangle data


Public Classes

class PlanInfo : public XxxFuncPlanInfo
PlanInfo: Plan structure for methods on boxes

Public Fields

public : static XxxBasicType BoxTypeId
Box type ID

Public Methods

virtual XxxBool Equals (const XxxADTValue* Obj1, const XxxADTMetaInfo*, const XxxADTValue* Obj2, const XxxADTMetaInfo*)
Equals method between boxes.
virtual XxxBool GetBoundingBox (const XxxADTValue *&Object, XxxBoundingBox& Box)
Retrieves the bounding box of this spatial data type
virtual XxxErrCode GetCompOp (const char* FName, XxxCompareOp& CompOp, XxxBool& Success)
Retrieves the compare method given a function name and a array of arguments for that function
virtual XxxErrCode ReadText (istream& InStream, XxxADTValue* ObjectRef, const XxxADTMetaInfo* MetaInfo)
Input function for loading boxes into tables
virtual XxxErrCode WriteText (ostream& OutStream, const XxxADTValue* Object, const XxxADTMetaInfo* MetaInfo)
Display function for the txtclient protocol
XxxBoxADT (XxxBasicType Id)
Constructor for XxxBoxADT.
virtual ~XxxBoxADT ()
Destructor for XxxBoxADT.

Inherited from XxxSmallFixedADT:

Inherited from XxxSmallADT:

Public Methods

virtual XxxBool IsSmall(const XxxADTMetaInfo*)


XxxBoxADT: Basic ADT for handling any generic rectangle data. Boxes are stored as fixed size objects within a record and simply contain the lower left and upper right points within a Cartesian coordinate system. Currently-supported methods are the same as those supported by polygons: disjoint(), meets(), covers(), contains(), covered_by(), inside(), overlaps(), and equals(). These methods were chosen via the 9-point intersection model of spatial objects.
public : static XxxBasicType BoxTypeId
Box type ID

class PlanInfo: public XxxFuncPlanInfo
PlanInfo: Plan structure for methods on boxes

XxxBoxADT(XxxBasicType Id)
Constructor for XxxBoxADT.

virtual ~XxxBoxADT()
Destructor for XxxBoxADT.

virtual XxxErrCode WriteText(ostream& OutStream, const XxxADTValue* Object, const XxxADTMetaInfo* MetaInfo)
Display function for the txtclient protocol.
The status code.
OutStream - Output stream to write to.
Object - Buffer containing the BOX.
MetaInfo - Meta info for box.

virtual XxxErrCode ReadText(istream& InStream, XxxADTValue* ObjectRef, const XxxADTMetaInfo* MetaInfo)
Input function for loading boxes into tables.
The status code.
is - Input stream from which to read the BOX.
ObjectRef - Buffer in which to store the BOX.
MetaInfo - Meta info for box.

virtual XxxBool Equals(const XxxADTValue* Obj1, const XxxADTMetaInfo*, const XxxADTValue* Obj2, const XxxADTMetaInfo*)
Equals method between boxes.

virtual XxxBool GetBoundingBox(const XxxADTValue *&Object, XxxBoundingBox& Box)
Retrieves the bounding box of this spatial data type. Used by the indexing methods.

virtual XxxErrCode GetCompOp(const char* FName, XxxCompareOp& CompOp, XxxBool& Success)
Retrieves the compare method given a function name and a array of arguments for that function. This is used in index scans and is index independent.

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling