In file dynspj.h:

class RelSPJDynOptimizer : public RelSPJCostBasedOpt

The Dynamic programming optimizer has the following structure: It has a PlanSpaceClass object


Protected Classes

class DynPlanTable : public RelSPJCostBasedOpt::PlanTable
Holds subplans of a particular "size" (size == number of tables joined)
struct LPlanScanHandle : public XxxSetCursor::CursorState
struct PPlanScanHandle : public XxxSetCursor::CursorState
class PlanSpaceClass
Holds subplans of all sizes


The Dynamic programming optimizer has the following structure: It has a PlanSpaceClass object. This is an array of PlanTableClass objects. Each PlanTableClass holds LogicalPlans for joins of k relations (k is fixed for each PlanTableClass, and different across PlanTableClasses). Each LogicalPlan corresponds to a logical partial join result, and leads to a number of PhysicalPlans. DynOptimizer is a sub-class of RelSPJCostBasedOpt because it differs only in the Optimize() and GeneratePlanOp() methods. Importantly, it uses the same format to specify the final plan.
class DynPlanTable: public RelSPJCostBasedOpt::PlanTable
Holds subplans of a particular "size" (size == number of tables joined)

struct LPlanScanHandle: public XxxSetCursor::CursorState

struct PPlanScanHandle: public XxxSetCursor::CursorState

class PlanSpaceClass
Holds subplans of all sizes

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling