In file relquery.h:

class RelQueryEngine

The query engine is a repository for views, and also performs semantic checking for queries before optimization


Public Methods

XxxErrCode CheckOpDag (RelQueryNode *Root, const XxxArgEnv* Env, RelQueryClass*& Query)
Creates an operator DAG for a query view
XxxErrCode CheckQuery (RelViewClass* View, RelQueryClass*& Query, const XxxArgEnv* Env = NULL)
Takes a view and produces a query from it
XxxErrCode DropView (const char* ViewName)
Deletes a view in this query engine
XxxErrCode PrintViews (ostream& OStr)
Prints all views stored in this query engine
RelQueryEngine (XxxRelationEngine* SrcEng)
XxxErrCode RetrieveView (const char* ViewName, RelViewClass*& View, XxxBool& Found)
Retrieves a view from this query engine
XxxErrCode StoreView (const char* ViewName, RelViewClass* View)
Stores a view in this query engine
XxxErrCode ViewToOpDag (RelViewClass *View, RelQueryNode *&Root)
Creates an operator DAG for a query view
~RelQueryEngine ()

Private Fields

XxxRelationEngine* RelEng
a handle on the relation engine


The query engine is a repository for views, and also performs semantic checking for queries before optimization. It talks directly to the parser, which gives it views as its input, and produces adorned query structures as outputs which can be fed into the optimizer.
XxxRelationEngine* RelEng
a handle on the relation engine

RelQueryEngine(XxxRelationEngine* SrcEng)
SrcEng - The Relation engine to which this engine belongs


XxxErrCode StoreView(const char* ViewName, RelViewClass* View)
Stores a view in this query engine
XXX_OK if no errors occured
ViewName - The name of the view to store
View - The View data structure to store

XxxErrCode DropView(const char* ViewName)
Deletes a view in this query engine
XXX_OK if no errors occured
ViewName - The name of the view to store

XxxErrCode RetrieveView(const char* ViewName, RelViewClass*& View, XxxBool& Found)
Retrieves a view from this query engine
XXX_OK if no errors occured
ViewName - The name of the view to retrieve
View - The View data structure retrieved

XxxErrCode CheckQuery(RelViewClass* View, RelQueryClass*& Query, const XxxArgEnv* Env = NULL)
Takes a view and produces a query from it. This function transforms the view into a DAG, performs semantic checking, propagates all meta info, performed heuristic rewrite, etc.
XXX_OK if no errors occured
View - The view to transform
Query - (output) the query generated
Env - The query environment (optional)

XxxErrCode ViewToOpDag(RelViewClass *View, RelQueryNode *&Root)
Creates an operator DAG for a query view. Uses a RelOpDagBuilder which actually performs the translation.
View - The view to be transformed into a tree
Root - The root of the newly contructed tree

XxxErrCode CheckOpDag(RelQueryNode *Root, const XxxArgEnv* Env, RelQueryClass*& Query)
Creates an operator DAG for a query view. Uses a RelOpDagBuilder which actually performs the translation.
View - The view to be transformed into a tree
Root - The root of the newly contructed tree

XxxErrCode PrintViews(ostream& OStr)
Prints all views stored in this query engine
OStr - The stream to which the views should be printed

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling